23 - Gender reveal <3

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Kanao smiled uncontrollably when she found out the gender of the child.
"I'm so happy for you! Are you thinking about the names yet? I have a few ideas.." Kanao giggled.

"Oh─ no not yet! But I just hope the baby isn't a demon.. I doubt the baby would be human though.." Jiro sighed. "I won't be able to keep the baby in control.. It'll probably eat me alive."

"I doubt it.. You will make a great parent.." Kanao softly smiled.

"You know, you should join us.. There are millions of spare rooms, and if you get to know the Upper Moons you will find out they aren't bad." Jiro then spoke.

"Uhm.. Maybe. I'll have to think about it. If thats alright.?" Kanao replied, slightly smiling. "Thats fine. I'm going to have to go now, see you later." Jiro chuckled softly, standing up and walking off.

Kanao felt rain fall onto her head once more. 'Maybe I should get going now.' She thought, standing up and walking off back to the village. She entered the inn they were staying at, and walked into the room the two hashira's were in. They were waiting for her.

"Oh. Hi?" Kanao furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, they looked serious.

"We got a letter back." Rengoku mumbled. "That was fast.. You sent it only a couple of hours ago.." Kanao smiled slightly, but her smile instantly faded when Shinobu sighed, as if giving pity to Kanao.

"Kanao.. What you did, it was unacceptable. Master has given you two options. You stay here when we leave, your choice on where you will go is yours, but you will no longer be of service to us. Or you stay here with me by your side, using Jiro to gather information on their location." Shinobu spoke sternly.

The young teen widened her eyes. "What?.. But I can't do that."

"Then I suggest you leave your katana here, along with your uniform and be gone by the time we wake up." Shinobu's stare was terrifying. It was as if this was a life or death situation.

"You can't do that.. Kanea--"

"Is dead. Your situation is mine to control now." Shinobu snarled.
"I'll be looking forward to your disapearance."

The two went into the other room. "We'll wait for you to change out of your uniform. Goodbye."

Kanao stood there, her eyes wide. 'did they really just..' She thought, tearing up. She shook her head. "Fine.. If this how they wanna play.. I'll go and get myself devoured." Kanao spoke sternly, ripping her clothes off and changing into her thick winter clothing. She took the butterfly pin out of her hair, placing it on the pile of clothes. She kept her katana with her. Then stared at the pin, before sighing and taking the pin, placing it in her hair yet again.
"Kanea.. I love you.." She then spoke. "Goodbye."

She fled out of the village soon after, her katana in her hand, tears streaming down her face.

She ran miles, she ran for hours. Deep into the forest, her eyes closed as she whimpered, sobbing.

Her cries were soon cut off and led to a loud grunt when she ran into some sort of wall.

She looked to see a normal house. "I can camp here tonight, if the owners do not mind."

She knocked on the door which creaked open. It was empty, but there was a flooring space which was opened up, showing a bunch of.. Floating platforms and rooms..?

She closed the door behind her, carefully stepping down onto a turning room, she jumped onto a large platform, looking around.

"Who are you.. Human?" A deep yet soft voice sneered. She turned around. She looked up at the man with the white hat and unmissable red eyes..

"I.. Uhm-.." She tensed up. 'these eyes..' Kanao thought. 'could he possibly be.. Muzan.?'

"Kanao?" Mitsuri appeared next to her. "I'm sorry, Muzan Sama. This is my friend.."

"It is fine. If she is staying here she must work. Like Jiro, and you." Muzan sighed, turning around and walking off.

"Mitsuri San..!" Kanao hugged Mitsuri tightly.

"What are you.. wearing.." Mitsuri looked at her outfit, Uppermoon 6, Daki appeared. "Ew.. Those clothes are.. Not revealing. I hate it." The demon groaned.

"Is she also staying here? There are so many humans here I can't tell anymore.." Daki then spoke.

"Uhm.. I guess she will be. This is Daki, she and I are like sisters..!" Mitsuri giggled. "The bestest sisters." Daki then added. "And it's 'princess' Daki."

"Ofcourse." Kanao nodded, smiling. Approaching demons in this manner is.. relaxing.

"Kanao? So you decided on joining us?" Jiro walked up to the three girls, smiling as Akaza followed behind.

"Yes.. Hello Akaza." Kanao smiled at Akaza, who crossed his arms. "Whats up, butterfly bitch." He replied sternly.

"I─.. Okay.." Kanao laughed nervously. "Akaza.. Be more kind." Jiro nudged him.

"OOH do you wanna see Douma's gourgeous eyes?" Daki then spoke, holding out a pair of eyes that weren't attatched to a body. Everybody groaned.
"No.. Put those away.. The bets you guys make are the worst." Mitsuri whined.

"What? I won, fair and square! Oh─ also I have a few baby girl name suggestions." Daki giggled


Heya! I was originally go for a girl, but when I posted the last chapter I was thinking of making her a boy.. But then I saw you all betting on Daki so I decided to stay with girl! Any name suggestions that sound dort of.. Demon slayer-y?

<3  <3  <3

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