What are the odds

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You sat in a cozy chair in a corner of your rented apartment and looked out of the window. The city lights of nighttime Seoul shimmered under you. You lazily flicked the card you received yesterday in your hands, unsure about the whole situation.

You weren't living under a rock the last few years, despite your busy life. You knew this name the moment you read it. Your love for music didn't stop with language barriers or borders, so the name BTS was quite known to you. You wouldn't really call yourself a dedicated fan, but you really liked their music and you knew their names. Maybe you watched some of their videos and maybe you swooned over their beautiful appearances a few times. Maybe.

But your busy life didn't really allow anything more than a love for their music, so you were pleasantly surprised by the realization, that you just met one of the most sought-after idols in your time. You didn't freak out or scream, though you could understand anyone doing that. They were really beautiful, talented men.

So here you were. Sitting in that chair, wondering how you're gonna manage this whole thing. The whole truth is, you really liked this stranger. Liking his voice, his laughs, and his warm eyes. He made your heart flutter in no time. But if the pet name for the person on the other end of the phone wasn't enough, now he is an international, famous idol and one of the top bachelors in the world. Or so everyone thought. You weren't so sure after the call.

You inhaled and made a decision. You will handle it like the professional you are.

And with that, you typed in the number from the card and hit the green "Call" button. No turning back, no further doubts.

"Hello Y/N." His voice brought back those damn butterflies. Away with you, please. You are a professional, goddammit!

"Oh, hey Taehyung. How did you know it was me?" You chuckled nervously, as you really tried to stay calm. Not because of the idol thing. More because of the butterflies, currently distorting your heart and mind.

"Well, I very rarely give out my number, so people calling me with no ID are very limited. And in the last few months, you were the only person I gave my card...so..." His calm, deep voice soothed your nerves and the butterflies started to relax. Finally.

"Clever." You managed to smile. "So, the Kim Taehyung?"

"Yeah..." He chuckled. "So you know me."

"Yeah..." You answered plainly, but with a friendly voice. "Who doesn't." You chuckled.

"Well..." His voice seemed a bit strained but curious. "True... But you seem really cool with it."

"Hm. Why not." You shrugged. "In the end, we are just artists making ends meet with our talents. The level of popularity doesn't make much of a difference for me. At least in the sense of meeting one another and wanting to learn more about a person. And to make an offer to get some shoes." You laughed.

"Right." He laughed along with you. "Good to hear that. I had a sense you would be cool about that, so that is the reason I trusted you with my card."

The butterflies again. You realized that for him, handing out his contact information, really is a big deal. And all that just for shoes? You really wondered about that fact.

"Thanks, I really appreciated that." Your voice was honest. Maybe too honest. You feared, the slight tremble in it gave away your inner hurricane of feeling. "S...so should we get started about the details?"

"Yeah!" He seemed motivated. Good.

And then you chatted for almost two hours. The shoe thing was quickly settled. You took on his measurements and some little adjustments to the design. But then you started to speak about music, about travel, and about our dreams. It was so natural to speak with him about anything. He told you about his work as an idol and about his other members. About his family. His voice was so full of adoration and love for all of them. He sure has lots of heart to give. You shared some of your memories from the past too. Your old hometown, your family, and your friends. How you missed them. And your past relationships.

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