Dark days and rays of light - Not today

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"Ha! Eat mud sucker!" A triumphant voice cried out loudly, underscored by annoyed groans and some amused laughter.

"I told you to not let them duel you in that game." You sat on the sofa in the living room, your legs crossed, a white fluff almost looking like a pillow laying in your lap, looking with a soft expression at the bickering pair sitting on the floor in front of the large TV.

"Haha, I think Kookie has found his master!" Taehyung laughed loud, clapping with his hands and beaming down to his bandmate brightly.

Jungkook just groaned loudly and gave Taehyung a very sour and very annoyed look, his bunny teeth showing in the most endearing, pouty way.

"Oh shut up, Tae! They are cheating!" Outraged, he threw his hands in the direction of his competitor, the veins on his hands showing clearly.

The little creature in your lap was awakened by your youngest boyfriend's shout and lifted its head lazily to look at him. Then his eyes adverted to your other boyfriend sitting next to you on the comfy couch, grinning widely. It looked at him a good minute, before shaking its head quickly, yawning, and jumping down from you to run over to him with a wagging tail.

"Traitor..." You mumbled with a pout, crossing your arms and leaning back to the couch.

"Seriously, Y/N. Don't be too surprised. Ted was always a cheating little bitch and you know it." Soo-jin turned their head and grinned at you widely. Their bright, red curls fell in their face, their freckles gleaming in the autumn sun, shining through the large windows of the dorm's living room. The wide wool pullover, combined with the flannel beneath it and the beige cargo pants looked good on your best friend. You loved their kind of laid-back style. After you met Soo-jin, your outfits started to change in the same direction. Good influence, Soo-jin always said.
"Argh. Yeah ... I proclaim defeat ..." With a sigh, you shook your head.

"Awww, baby. At least you have us." Someone said behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you on his lap. "This isn't so bad either, right?" He propped his chin on your shoulder and kissed you on the neck lovingly.

"Yah! You are probably the worst of all, Jiminie!" With a chuckle, you tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but his strong arms held you very tight and close. "I know you secretly give Ted all those little treats to make him love you more than Kookie!"

"What?! Chimmy?!" Jungkooks head flew upwards and he looked at his fiancee with wide eyes and a pout. "You want to snatch Teddy from me?! How can you?"

"Chill, Kookie." Your boyfriend answered amused, still trying to tame you in his arms, his head cuddled into yours. "We have this dog called Bam and he loves you to death, so no need for jealousy here." A melodic giggle sounded out right next to your ear, stopping your movements and letting you freeze for one second. This was one of your weaknesses, you couldn't lie. It started with Taes deep voice and the effect it had on you. And Jimin's giggles along with Hobi's growls and Joons sighs had some kind of magical effect on you. "Let me at least have this one, baby."

"Yeah. Give your baby what he wants, sucker." Soo-jin added playfully, nudging the youngest in the shoulder and laughing loudly. "But this won't change that you have .... LOST HARDORE!!!" Your best friend jumped up from the floor pillow and started a little victory dance, much to your amusement and Jungkooks dismay. Your youngest boyfriend's facial expression faltered and he crossed his arms. Well, he was competitive, so Soo-jin did push his buttons quite intensely at the moment. But he was an adult. He would manage.

"Paw! Come, Ted. Paw!"

You lifted your eyes and took in the very cute scene in front of you. Taehyung sitting on the couch, looking down at the white furball, his hand outstretched, waiting for the dog to give him a high five and the warm, yellow light illuminating his beautiful features. His fluffy, dark hair shimmered in the sun and threw soft shadows on his combination of comfortable white linen clothes and an opened, wide, satin dressing gown. Your dog sat in front of him, tilting his head and seemingly thinking very hard. Some moments passed, and then Ted slowly lifted his paw and bumped it into the outstretched hands of the vocalist.

"YES! Good boy!" Taehyung beamed a bright smile, snatching the dog in his arms and letting himself flop to the side so that Ted was laying on top of him, barking happily. "Cute, good, lovely boy!"
You chuckled. Very quiet. Almost inaudible. Meanwhile, Jungkook and Soo-Jin started the next round of this beat-em-up game, their playful bickering softly heard in the background. From the kitchen area, you could hear gentle humming and the clacking of pots and pans. Jin wanted to make a late lunch for everyone and had Hobi help him. They turned on some of their favorite songs and sang along with them. The window was opened, letting the cold autumn air stream into the room, along with the sound of some late birds, sitting on the trees, in front of your dorm. You closed your eyes, taking in this comfortable mix of noises and the wonderful scent of the people, the dorm, and the food from the kitchen. Your mind settled down and you smiled.

"Happy, baby?" Jimin's soft voice whispered in your ear.

"Yeah. I think so." You hummed, leaning into him more, the urge to feel him close suddenly very strong.

"Hm...that's good." He nuzzled closer to you, his nose running along your neck lazily, setting off goosebumps and butterflies. For some minutes you only enjoyed sitting here, embraced by Jimin, watching your best friend and one of your boyfriends bond, exchanging a loving smile with your very first boyfriend, from time to time. It helped. It helped to not think about the future. Not think about what was happening, outside this little safe space you all managed to build up in the last few days. But you knew, the reality was still there. You all knew very well. It was obvious. In Jin, spacing out from time to time, in Hobi, glancing at his phone with a concerned face, in Jimin and Jungkook, cuddling and comforting themselves much more than before, from Yoongi, isolating himself completely, from Taehyung, fear, and anxiety flaring up in his eyes when he didnt pay attention and from Namjoon, being the one commuting between HYBE and the dorm, coming home with an exhausted expression every time. They all tried to hide their fears as best as they could. Probably because they didnt want to bother you, but you knew. And usually, you were big in honesty and being open about everything, but this fragile safety, this shallow feeling of being secure, was the one thing keeping you sane at the moment. So you remain silent.

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