Just an act - Revelations I

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The long hallway of your office was empty and dark. A haunting silence hung over the usually very busy building like a thick veil, the white walls now tinted in a deep blue, only some strips of light falling through the windows, radiated by the pulsating Seoul night. Your heart was beating fast, your hands clenched together in the pockets of the oversized hoodie you were wearing, as you carefully walked past the abandoned rooms, lined up along the cold stone floor. You felt your phone vibrating furiously inside of the small bag you had thrown over your shoulder, but you couldn't care less for the device at the moment. All of your senses were directed to the narrow slit of light, emanating under your office door at the end of the hall.

So, there he was.

This had to be Sang-hoon, waiting for you in your office. The hushed voice on the phone could only be him. But why he would call you here, in the middle of the night? And most and for all, almost threaten you on the phone? You were scared, you couldn't lie. But you also had this unbearable urge to clear up this mess inside of your company once and for all. And if it took you to face a bitter, jealous employee of yours in the middle of the night, then this was fine by you. After all, this wasn't the first time you had to defend yourself and it probably wouldn't be the last time. You were prepared. You were ready.
You took another slow step in the direction of the door, as your phone went off again, buzzing and buzzing, with no end in sight. With a sigh, you finally took it out of the bag and glanced at the screen.


And several missed calls from all the boys, Soo-jin and even ... Do-yun and Jae? This surprised you. Why would they call, if they were angry? Did someone talk to them? Did they find out about the real reasons for the statement? Or did they only want to express more of their discontent with you? You weren't sure. You felt at this point everything was possible.

"Concentrate, Y/N." You mumbled quietly, eyeing the door closely, prepared for every sudden movement. "Your and your love's career, no, your life is at risk here. Get a grip. They have to wait...." And with that you switched off your phone, the screen with Jungkooks caller ID fading to black in seconds. With a last determined nod, you threw it back into the bag and approached your office's door. Without knocking you pushed down the door handle and opened it in one swift motion, hoping to appear strong and self-confident to whoever was waiting behind it.

The bright light of the ceiling lamp blinded you and you had to blink a few times before you could make out if anyone was inside the room. With a groan you shook your head, blurry outlines appearing only slowly in your sight.

"Y/N." Someone stated calmly.

"Hm..." Dazed, you glanced over to the sound and looked directly in the eyes of someone, you almost didnt recognize. The person had brown, slicked-back hair and piercing eyes, looking attentively at you. They wore a tight black shirt, black combat pants, and matching boots, sitting relaxed in your office chair and scrolling through your computer.

With a thud, the door fell into its frame and you jolted upwards, startled by the noise. Your eyes were open wide and your heart hammered in your chest. The situation overwhelmed you.

"S-sang-hoon?" You stuttered, your confident pose faltering instantly. "Is this ... you?"

The man nodded plainly, his face not giving away one bit of emotion. It was almost scary, how different this version of your employee was from the one, you knew till today.

"Wh-what is happening?" You asked confused.

With a sigh, he rose up from the chair and your eyes fell on his black, leather belt and the holster, attached to it. With a gasp, you stumbled backward, your spine crashing into the door with a thud. This was ... a gun. A real fucking gun. Were you in the wrong film? Was this some mafia shit, or what was happening?

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