Lost in the fog

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The good news about the new location quickly made itself known. After you left Serendipity Jimin gave you the number of one of the studio's managers. He recommended that you call him first thing in the morning and secure your spot for the studio. As it turned out Sejin already had contacted the manager and told him about the details. All the equipment you needed would be prepared for you and a small group of the studio's staff would be helping you out. And all that for a relatively affordable price.

The shooting was set and Ji-ho, Do-Yun, and Sang-hoon were motivated. You organized the last few things together, hoping to be prepared for everything. You were really happy that Soo-jin was back in town and agreed to be the photographer for the day. Since it was the first big shoot with your new company, the stakes were high. And knowing someone like Soo-jin was by your side, giving you a boost of confidence and the much-needed grounding to calm your nerves.

The day of the shoot arrived quickly. After waking up and showering you slipped on some of your new clothes from Serendipity. Wide-Legged black trousers with two long slits on the sides, underneath some fishnets, paired with a graphic tee and chunky combat boots. You put your shoulder-length dark blonde hair in a messy bun and threw on some of your favorite gold jewelry.
You thought back to the shopping day with Jimin. After the call with Tae ended, Jimin and you enjoyed the privateness of the dressing room a little bit more. You didn't do much, just kissing and exploring your bodies with light touches and gentle hands. You were interrupted by a laughing Ariel, ripping the curtains open, scolding you for making out in the store. Giggling like two teenagers in love you tried to come up with excuses, but in the end, you all just laughed about it. You choose your favorite pieces of clothing and go on to pay for them. You settled for some blouses, graphic tees, and elegant pants. The dress you left behind, you didn't know for which occasion you would wear it. And since you wanted to enjoy the beautiful square and maybe sit down on the benches, you left Jimin at the counter and waited for him outside. You enjoyed the night's warm air and the gentle sounds of the city. After a few minutes, Jimin caught up to you and walked you home. You talked, laughed, and smiled as you walked down the streets of Seoul.
With a last scrutinizing look in the hall's mirror, you collected your things, left the flat, and made your way to HYBEs studio 1. As you arrived the atmosphere was buzzing. People with black caps and bright yellow vests were running around, helping your team and making sure everything was in order. You greeted everyone with a friendly smile, thanking them for their help. After you talked with the studio manager you called before, you wandered around, taking everything in and checking the progress. Do-yun instructed a handful of staff members from HYBE to set up the backdrop correctly. It was looking beautiful and you were excited for the shoot to start.

You spotted Ji-ho speaking with the stylists, explaining to them the vision for the shoot and making sure the hair and makeup went well with the clothes. Sang-hoon was sitting next to the set with his computer. He was preparing to pre-select the photos from the shoot, maybe making quick color corrections on the spot on some of them. Behind him was Soo-jin, checking his equipment and talking with him about some technical details for the shoot. You smiled, happy that they got along.
The time flew by as you spoke with all of them, adding some last-minute touch-ups, and suddenly everything was ready. The models were styled, the backdrop ready, the props prepared. The stage manager successfully checked the rain system and fog machine.

"Okay. Thank you for your hard work to this point." You were standing in the middle of the set, looking around. "Especially the staff of HYBE. You made my day." You smiled at them and earned yourself some thumbs up. "Let's go into the shooting parts with as much energy as before. I know the result will be awesome!"

The crowd of people was cheering and clapping, motivated energy waved through the room. You were happy, that everything fell in place and you really could start the shoot. The first few models entered the set and Soo-jin took over the lead. They called out instructions to them, adjusting the lights and starting the rain machine. Ji-ho was by their side, touching up the models' makeup or helping drape the flowing fabrics for the best angles. Sang-hoo almost instantly got into work mode, surprisingly selecting the photos very quickly and determined. He seemed to bloom outside the office. With a smile, you noted that information and slowly made your way to the back. You didn't want to interfere, realizing that your awesome team had everything under control.

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