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"The timeframe is a bit tight, don't you think?"

You sat together with Ji-ho, Do-Yun, and Sang-hoon in your little lounge corner at the office. The last few days were very busy, as the deadline for the fashion campaign moved closer. The backdrop was ready, the shooting was planned, the models booked. But just today you got the message that the location you wanted to use for the shooting had water damage due to a broken pipe. The damage was noticeable, all the electrics in the building were disabled. But since you need electricity for the shoot, you couldn't use the location anymore. And on that short notice, it was really difficult to find something. After all, the shoot was only a few days away.

"Yeah, you are right, Do-Yun." The urge to slump together in your velvet green armchair was quite tempting. The news hit you hard. The overall time frame was tight, with two other projects waiting to be started. Maybe you overestimated your capability to manage three projects a bit. You sighted.

"Maybe we could ask the company I worked at before. They have some big studios with good equipment."

"That would be wonderful, Ji-ho. Could you please call them right away?" Hopefully, you smiled at the young woman, sitting on the pink chaise lounge next to you.

"I can at least try." She grabbed her phone from the table and walked with quick steps to her office room.

"Okay, that's a start." You clapped your hands together and looked over your notepad. "Right. Do-Yun. Please check the backdrop and the props, and make sure they are secured for transportation." You nodded in her direction and she gave you a thumbs up.

"Yeah, no problem. I wanted to work on some of the neon lights, anyway. And I will stay on standby for transportation to the new location."

You smiled at her. As it turned out she was a really conscientious employee. Always reporting on her progress and keeping a close eye on her timeframes. She was talented and organized. A wonderful combination.

"Y/N, I would like to work a bit more on the website for the campaign launch." Sang-hoon looked at you with a nervous glance. He was really shy. Sometimes too shy. He hesitated to report problems or delays. But his work was really good in quality, even if he sometimes needed more time.

"That's alright." You smiled at him. "But please pay close attention to the details and the functionality of the site. We don't want to have endless loading time or problems with the mobile version. But I know you will rock this, Sang-hoon. Have a little belief in your knowledge and talent." You winked at him, knowing that he sometimes needed a push to come out of his shell.

"Y...yeah. I will try my best, Y/N." He blushed and scratched his neck sheepishly. "But please look after yourself too. You barely went home the last few days and I didn't see you eat anything substantial..." He nervously looked you in the eyes. You were surprised that he noticed your bad mood over the last few days.

"Yeah, Y/N. You turn into a workaholic sometimes." Ji-ho came back from her office, leaned on the doorframe, and grinned at you knowingly.

"I know, I know." With a soothing gesture and some embarrassed laughter, you stretched in your chair and then finally slumped together. You overdid yourself. Since the day Taehyung was in your flat, you tried to distract yourself from work. Not because his open and honest words were troubling. Heck, you loved how happy he looked in that photo with Jin and Namjoon. And you couldn't say you were jealous. But you just didn't know if this was the right thing to do. Starting a relationship with a famous man, dating three other men. Your mind was restless, missing his touch, his presence near you. But not only were you thinking about Taehyung but also about Jimin. About all the other wonderful guys. Since the day you've all met them, the group chat was filled with photos, funny quotes, or small stories about their day. You got closer with them. Nevertheless, you didn't sleep well, didn't eat well. Too much on your mind. Confusing feelings and many 'What ifs'. And you needed to tend to your business and your projects too.

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