Welcome home - Home I

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The news about you moving in with the guys spread like wildfire. After you cuddled with Hoseok in the hotel room for hours, speaking about your decision and planning some details of the move, both of your phones buzzed intensely. Yours was flooded with messages from your sister. You forgot that even if it was the weekend and the office was closed, you had scheduled a video call with her. Since you both were busy, it was hard to find a suitable moment to talk and catch up. Therefore you understood her angry message, asking where the fuck you were and if you had forgotten about her. She could be really dramatic if she wanted, so you quickly apologized, and with some whining on her side, you settled on another time. When you turned around and lazily cuddled into the naked man beside you, you heard him chuckle while answering some messages.

"Is everything alright?" You asked, your nose gracing along his sharp jawbone, inhaling his earthy scent.

"Yeah." He threw the phone to his side and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer and burying his nose into your messy hair. "Oh, I could get used to this..." He mumbled.

"You can." With a grin, you wiggled out of his grasp and looked into his eyes. "I mean, I don't know how exactly I am gonna fit into your cramped dorm and where I am gonna sleep, but well..."

He gasped and his eyes widened. "Sunshine! Oh! I almost forgot! You are gonna move in with us!" With a wide, happy smile he peppered your lips with kisses. Then he let his head fall back, looking at the ceiling with beaming eyes and a dreamy expression. "Hmmm ... seeing you in our kitchen, only dressed with a shirt and some panties ... or making out in the living room ..."

"Do you have a kink for voyeurism or something?" You grinned and tickled him playfully. He tried to stop you but you were interrupted by your phone, buzzing again. With a shake of your head, you picked it up and took the call.

"Baby!" An excited voice said on the other end.

"Bunny, hey." You chuckled, your hand softly stroking the white hair of the man next to you. Then you heard another voice in the background, furiously cursing in fast Korean. "Where are you? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, it's just Jimin." Jungkook said amused. "He tries to get your weird coffee maker to work, but I think he isn't successful."

"Oh, my espresso pot? Yeah, it is a bit complicated." With a grin you drove with your hands over the naked chest in front of you, gaining some muffled noises of benevolentness from its owner. "So, you spend the night in my flat? Did you have fun?"

"Yes." Jungkook answered, his voice relaxed and happy. "It was great. We watched a movie, ate pizza and drank wine, without someone bothering us. And then we fucked."

His bold words made you choke for one moment, but it quickly turned into a full-blown laugh. "Sounds familiar. At least the last part." With a giggle you closed your eyes, the memories of last night flashing in your mind.

"Oh, I knew it!" Jimin's amused voice suddenly sounded loudly through the phone. "Hey Hobi! Did you seduce our girlfriend before us, you little bastard?"

Hoseok only answered with a groan and a mumbled 'Sorry Chimmy', trying to overhear the playful bickering now coming through the phone. After some moments and after Jimin and Jungkook decided it was enough scolding for today in that regard, you cleared your throat.

"Hey ... Jimin ... Jungkook ... I want to say something." You suddenly felt a little nervous, a slight fear creeping up your spine. But it was quickly wiped away by Jungkook's warm voice, answering you calmly.

"We are listening, baby."

Your heart skipped a beat and you instantly felt comfortable again. With a smile you laid down your head on the warm chest in front of you, closing your eyes and exhaling slowly. "I will move in with you, I have decided."

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