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i bet you, i wouldn't need log to live a good life ten years from now.

wooyoung stood nervously in front of san's house, which san sent him the address of merely five minutes ago. wooyoung wasn't sure if this was a smart decision. well, of course it wasn't, but how stupid was he? how stupid was he to agree to san's terms and look at him now — standing so awkwardly in front of his tutee's house, contemplating whether or not to knock on san's door or just call it a night and text san saying he was sick or something.

before wooyoung could knock on the door, however, san opened his door and his face lit up when he met eyes with wooyoung, "princey! why didn't you just knock or something?"

wooyoung struggled with his words. of course he struggled with his words when choi san was standing so out-of-the-worldly handsome in front of him. san had a sleeveless black tank top tucked into a pair of leather pants, topping it all off with a leather jacket he was still wearing half-way and his iconic dr. martens boots.

"i, uh, i didn't know if you were gonna be here." wooyoung averted his eyes to look at somewhere else, at anywhere but choi san. wooyoung already found san attractive before, seeing this san just made everything ten times worse knowing that san could look this good.

san smirked. he, himself, took in how wooyoung looked. wooyoung was wearing a simple white t-shit with a cream coloured flannel over it, the t-shirt tucked into a pair of blue washed-out jeans with vans as his shoes. it may be a simple fit, but it was enough to remind san just how cute the younger was. no matter what wooyoung was wearing, he'd be cute. hell, he could be wearing the hottest outfit in the world and san would still think that wooyoung was the cutest person alive.

"um, san?" wooyoung snapped him out of his trance. san blinked and smile, "you ready to party, princey?"

wooyoung rolled his eyes, "you just—you make it sound a hundred times worse. just get me there. i'll be out within ten-"

"no," san strode towards the younger and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together as he led them to his car, "you're staying all night."

"what?!" wooyoung's voice came out squeaky, and he hoped that san acknowledged that as the surprise from san's statement rather than san holding his hand, because dear God was his heart going crazy, "that—that wasn't part of the deal!"

san shrugged. he let go of wooyoung's hand to make him go over to the passenger's side. the two got into san's car as san started the engine, "i don't care. you're staying all night whether you like it or not, princey."

wooyoung frowned, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "and how are you going to make sure of that?"

san leaned towards wooyoung and wooyoung's face relaxed in surprise, his arms uncrossing itself and slumping it onto his lap, "you're my date. and y'know, my date and i usually—"

"don't fucking finish that sentence!" wooyoung screamed, pushing san away and looking out of the window, "you will not be fucking me at the end of the night."

san chuckled, "you're already implying you're the bottom, wooyoungie." san said as he started driving. wooyoung felt his cheeks heating up, but decided against saying anything so that san wouldn't say anything. he just let the summer night air of seoul calm his nerves down and get over the fact that san just called him his 'date'. san's words, not his.

the two finally arrived at the party venue, the two stepping in together and the whispers already started. wooyoung shuffled uncomfortably, not used to the spotlight since he was always the one to shy away from it. yunho wouldn't be here tonight because he'd be out celebrating with his parents for their wedding anniversary, so wooyoung wouldn't even have a single friend in the party. well, except for san, but he wasn't really a friend.

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