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then you just left me like i never meant anything to you.

san led wooyoung out of arcade and together, they got into san's car. wooyoung didn't realise where they were going since the last time they went on this road, it was nighttime instead of daytime. but as they started going up the hill, wooyoung started to recognise the signs, the scenery and most importantly, that platform where they wished upon a fallen star.

"sannie? why are we here?" wooyoung asked once san stopped the engine and was starting to get out of the car. san just smiled at him and said nothing. wooyoung frowned, not satisfied with the lack of response. but he got out of the car as well, following san who sat on one of the benches that weren't there during the summer.

san crossed his legs in front of him and just stared out at the city of seoul. again, wooyoung felt so at peace up here. it's almost like no one can reach the two of them, like this is their one and only safe space with each other where they can happily be themselves and not care about the world. everything felt so natural and easy here; it almost feels like they belong here.

"i just thought i'd bring you up here for a breather," san said, not looking away from seoul, "it looked like you were really comfortable up here the last time, so i figured why not. plus, i do owe you an apology for my behaviour back there."

wooyoung turned to look at san, chuckling softly, "you don't have to say sorry about anything, san. it's not your fault. you're probably just catching up with an old friend, though you two do seem quite close..." wooyoung trailed off.

"he's one of my exes," san continued like wooyoung didn't say anything, "he just slipped next to me and started to say things like we should catch up and stuff. i thought i was just gonna be nice and maybe catch up with him. i never thought—i never thought you'd react like this. i'm sorry, young-ah."

wooyoung shook his head, "like i said, you don't have to say sorry. you've done nothing wrong. it's okay. i was just overreacting and just overwhelmed by the amount of people there. i get that a lot, if you can't tell already."

the two fell into a comfortable silence afterwards, just sitting there with each other's company. they both felt at home here with the december breeze leaving a bit of a chilly mark on their skin. san suddenly stood up all of a sudden, digging his phone out of his uniform pants pocket and playing a song.

wooyoung looked at san with a grin, "what are you doing? san?"

"c'mon, let's dance." san suggested, holding up his hands towards wooyoung, "you're such a good dancer. won't you accept a poor man's dance?"

wooyoung chuckled, standing up as well, "if you were trying to imitate dr facilier from the princess and the frog, you're doing a terrible job."

san rolled his eyes, "whatever, i don't care. anyways, will you fucking dance with me, young-ah?"

wooyoung shrugged, taking san's hand. the two swung to the rhythm until they started to dance more out-of-rhythm and laughed louder. san started taking the lead and led wooyoung to the song, him yelling out a part of the lyrics as wooyoung just continued laughing at how silly they must look to other people.

that's the thing though: the mountain is so hidden that no one ever comes here. that meant that san and wooyoung had the entire hill to themselves. obviously, they weren't going to mark it theirs with a string or anything, but it just felt nice to have this space for themselves where they know they could come here no matter what happened. this hill wasn't going to go anywhere, so they could always return whenever they feel the need to.

the two teenagers continued dancing, the song changing every so often either because wooyoung just "didn't click with the vibe" of the song or because san didn't think it was "suitable for us to dance to". either way, they were both having a lot of fun and wooyoung had to admit, the stress and overwhelming feelings he felt before had washed away like a wave washing away your footprints on a beach.

soon enough, they got tired and sat back down on the bench, only this time, their chests were rising up and down rapidly and pants were heard instead of words. they were both exhausted, but it was worth it. in fact, it was probably the best thing they've ever done in a while.

"do you feel better now?" san asked after a while. wooyoung nodded. he didn't want anything to ruin this moment: it was just him, san and the city of seoul. everything felt too tranquil and at peace for wooyoung to start speaking, so he decided against it.

"sannie?" wooyoung shifted in the way he sat. he pulled his legs up against his chest and placed his chin on his knees. it was reminding him of the day the two were on the rooftop, though the memory was now a bit blurry since it was such a long time ago.

san hummed, turning to face wooyoung, "what's up?"

"i was wondering," wooyoung started picking at his shoelaces. they were untied sometime during their little dance festival and miraculously, san didn't step on it. wooyoung fiddled with it before starting to tie it again, "i was wondering if you'd like to be my plus-one to this new year's eve party my parents host every year."

"they love a huge celebration," wooyoung continued to explain. he was done with his shoelace now and awkwardly put his arms around his legs, "so they exaggerate it every year and make this gigantic party that celebrates the new year. i don't really like it, as you can see how i am with crowds, but it's the only time of the year that i actually can see my older brother who went to london to study. so i'd honestly love it if you could join me."

san chuckled, "that's it. of course i'd be happy if you want me to go with you. is there any specific reason you didn't ask yunho?"

"yunho's automatically invited, dumb ass." wooyoung joked, swatting the back of san's head gently, "he's been my best friend ever since i was a young boy. of course he's invited. he'll probably be having mingi as his plus-one. if you wanna, i could invite jongho or yeosang as well. two of my friends will be coming, too, so you guys can properly meet each other."

san nodded, "sounds like a plan."

there was a pause before san asked the question of the day, "why did you ask me though?"

wooyoung physically felt his breathing hitch. there was a halt in his pace of breathing in and out before it regulated again. "uh," wooyoung started, "well, you really calm me down in big crowds. yunho or hongjoongie hyung, my other friend, are usually the ones that help me with it, but i'd want yunho to enjoy his time with mingi this time. and hongjoongie hyung, well, i just feel bad for him because he spends more time with me than with his boyfriend in those parties my parents host."

wooyoung looked over at san who was already looking at wooyoung. the younger smiled, san's gaze somehow giving him a sense of comfort, "i just thought it'd be better for me to have someone that i can rely on, don't you think?"

san felt his heart skipping a beat; it was soaring through the sky with happiness upon wooyoung calling him someone he could rely on. and san didn't even know why he was so happy. either way, wooyoung's words touched his heart like no one's words ever did, and san liked that feeling.

"aw," san smiled wider, "sounds like little princey does have a crush on me."

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