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i've loved you three summers now, honey, but i want 'em all.

they were so in love. anyone could see it.

san would walk wooyoung to classes and wooyoung would huddle so close to san during study sessions that he's practically sitting on san's lap. no one was really surprised by this new couple, everyone sort of had it coming already. they could see through those countless arguments and glares they sent each other — they were all just expressions of confused young love.

"so, tell me everything that happened between you and san," yunho said one day at lunch. wooyoung was, surprisingly, by himself without san being on his side. wooyoung smiled, stuffing a mouthful of mashed potato into his mouth, "mm, how about no?"

yunho groaned, flinging his other leg around so he was now fully facing wooyoung. "please? not even just a little?" begged yunho.

wooyoung shook his head, "i know we don't seem like a very private couple, but i'd love to keep some kind of privacy to our relationship. do you get?"

yunho nodded, "yeah, i get that. but i'm your best friend, wooyoung! can't you just tell me, like, how he asked you? ooh, or did you ask him?"

wooyoung looked at his best friend and chuckled, "you really want to know, don't you?" yunho nodded, which confirmed wooyoung's suspicions. "fine," wooyoung sighed, putting down his food. he started telling yunho about the new year's eve ball and how they got together the day afterwards. yunho, in return, offered to give details of him and mingi which wooyoung did not wish to know at all.

a hand held onto wooyoung's shoulder and turned the boy around, his lips being met by another pair, "hello, sweetheart," san muttered against wooyoung's lips, placing another kiss there before sitting down next to his boyfriend.

yunho was definitely fangirling over wooyoung's new relationship. to be frank, mingi was the perfect boyfriend that yunho could ever ask for, but there was something about san and wooyoung that just clicks so well. wooyoung caught yunho's eyes and shook his head, knowing that yunho probably wanted to scream and yell and everything he could to draw attention to them.

"so, what were you two talking about just now?" san asked, using wooyoung's cutlery to eat some of his mashed potatoes. san scrunched his face in revulsion, "how did you eat this? this is disgusting."

wooyoung rolled his eyes, "what you find as trash might be someone else's gold. anyways, we were just talking about the new year's eve ball and-"

"wooyoung told me that you were the one that popped the question," yunho grinned widely as he leant forward to interrogate san further, "san the man, huh?"

wooyoung fake gagged as san just chuckled awkwardly, not sure of what to do when being asked by your best friend's boyfriend. "shut up, you disgust me." wooyoung uttered under his breath and pushed yunho's face away so he stayed as far from the couple as possible, "go find your boyfriend and stop annoying us, please."

yunho did as instructed — it was so rare that even wooyoung's mouth popped open — but then they soon realised that it was because a certain someone was looking for him at the entrance of the dining hall.

"i was wondering," san turned towards wooyoung and smiled, "if you wanna perhaps skip the latter half of school and go roller skating with me?"

wooyoung suppressed a giggle, "you do realise who you're talking to, right?"

san hummed, leaning closer to wooyoung as the younger backed away from him, "i do. actually, i was hoping for some character development given that your boyfriend is the resident bad boy of seoul now."

"and you can wait forever for that," wooyoung replied, not missing a beat of their banter at all, "i don't think i'll ever drop the full attendance wooyoung persona just for you."

san pouted, "aw, not even for me? not even for your boyfriend, sweetheart?"

wooyoung faked a glare, jabbing a finger to san's chest, "don't start using that nickname. you know i can't say no to that nickname."

"that's precisely the point, sweetheart."

needless to say, wooyoung ended up skipping school with san. wooyoung was looking forward (not really, but he'll convince himself he is) to the very angry phone call he'll receive from his parents probably by dinner time, them yelling at him and asking him why the hell did he skip school and who he skipped school with. wooyoung would try his very, very best to defend yunho since he was always the first one his parents suspect (reasonably so).

"why are we going to roller skate again? why aren't we going ice skating?" wooyoung asked as san swung their intertwined hands back and forth as they walked on the street. they received some weird glances from people that suspects that they're skipping school — which they are — and some people smiling at them since they probably reminded them of teenagers in love — which they are as well.

san smiled, "because it's been quite a while since i've went roller skating and i'm really missing it. that's all. plus, you get to ice skate all the time. i heard about this new roller skating ring opening near our school and i really want to go. c'mon, it'll be fun!"

wooyoung rolled his eyes, "i never said no. but promise me we'll go to the book shop afterwards?"

"yeah, sure. i still don't know why you wanna go to the bookstore though, nerd." san said pointedly. wooyoung glared at him, "just because i like to read doesn't mean i am a nerd, dumbass."

san raised an eyebrow, "your attitude is really saying otherwise, sweetheart. it's not that bad; you know all those stories when the bad boy and the nerd get together? we'll be that couple."

wooyoung scrunched his nose, "no. no. don't say that. that is-" wooyoung fake gagged and frowned afterwards, "if you say that again i think i'm gonna break up with you."

san stopped in his tracks, wooyoung being held back a bit since they were still holding hands. "are you fucking serious?" san deadpanned.

wooyoung laughed, twirling himself slightly elegantly into san's arms as the older's other arm instinctively wrapped itself around wooyoung's waist, "no, i'm joking. did you actually think i'm going to break up with you because of some stupid reasons."

san cocked his head to the side and his lips stretched into a small smile, "you really meant it when you said dancing could be our thing, did you?"

wooyoung let out a soft giggle, the corner of his eyes crinkling up, "yeah. yeah, of course."

san hummed, kissing the younger and muttering, once again, 'i love you' against wooyoung's lips. wooyoung did the same thing, only his whispers of love were now out to the world, spoken into the crisp january air for everyone to know and hear, for everyone to know how much he loves his boyfriend, for everyone to know that they were both only teenagers in love and nothing more.

a/n: this chapter was so SHIT. im sorry. i promise it'll get better. i know how to end this so we're just going to wait until i get to where i want to.

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