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why didn't i realise meeting you was the best thing that happened in my life?

the two sat on the rooftop, just side by side with their shoulders touching each other's. san had brought his breakfast up with him and was eating his sandwich while wooyoung sipped on the apple juice.

"hey," san voiced, swallowing his sandwich before continuing his words, "do you believe in soulmates?"

wooyoung snorted, looking at san (he needed to lift his head a bit to actually look at san in the eye and wooyoung from a year ago would have probably despised that), "what kind of a question is that?"

"just answer, goddamn it." san grumbled, looking down at wooyoung with a grin on his face. wooyoung shrugged, leaning back onto the railing on the edge of the roof and looked up at the sky, "i dunno. i guess there are soulmates out there, people that are meant to be together. but if you're asking if i believe i have a soulmate, then no. i don't think i have a soulmate."

san raised an eyebrow, "not even, like, your best friend? soulmates don't have to be lovers, princey."

wooyoung let out a chuckle. he put down that box of finished apple juice and tucked his chin to his knees, "yeah, i know. i don't think yunho's my soulmate, or anyone's my soulmate, in fact. i don't know, i just don't think i'm the sort of person that would have a soulmate, you know?"

"and why's that?" san questioned. he was studying wooyoung and saw the frown on the younger's face. he reached his hand up a bit, the crease tempting him to just ease it out, but san stopped himself before he did anything. stop, he thought to himself, he'd probably think you're weird if you did that.

wooyoung looked at san, his cheeks squished slightly against his knees, "just don't seem like the type. in the stories, the people that have soulmates are always, y'know, sad and don't know what to do with life and deprived of love. i don't—i don't think i'm deprived of love. do you think i am?"

"what? no! you probably receive love more often than i do." san laughed drily, looking up at the sky as well. it was september; why did it feel so hot? he unbuttoned the second button on his school shirt, which caused wooyoung to look away with his face slightly tinted red. san stole a glance and chuckled, "what princey? i got you flustered?"

"in your wildest dream, your royal majesty." wooyoung made a face that made san laugh. the two fell into silence afterwards, just enjoying the company of each other next to them and enjoying the comfortable silence.

"do you believe in soulmates, then?" wooyoung asked, "you seem passionate about the topic."

san nodded. he put his empty sandwich box next to him and looked at wooyoung, "yeah. i mean, i enjoy the thought. it's a nice thought, really, that there's someone out there that completely and perfectly matches with you. i just wish i knew who it was. that would help me a whole lot."

wooyoung smiled, "so your life long mission is to find your soulmate?"

"if you put it that way, it sounds a bit like bullshit." san said, scrunching his face up. wooyoung giggled, "it's a cute mission, i guess. but what if you don't find your soulmate? then what?"

san shrugged, "i live with it. i enjoy the thought of having a soulmate, but that doesn't mean i have to have one. i'd be glad if anyone wants to be my soulmate anyway."

"hey, don't say that." wooyoung frowned, slapping san's bicep lightly, "you deserve a soulmate like everyone else. maybe even more than the majority of this stupid world."

san smiled, "aw, i appreciate the effort, princey. but i really don't. i guess it's just a bit hard to love someone like me."

"what exactly does someone like you define as? bad boy? king of the school? 'cause all those things sounds like extremely loveable to me." wooyoung said. san couldn't tell if he was joking or not. hopefully he wasn't, because san's stomach just did this really weird thing which he thinks the nerds call butterflies in your stomach. or was it pigeons? it probably was butterflies.

san pushed himself off of the railings and leaned towards wooyoung, "what? so you're gonna fall in love with me just like that? just because i'm loveable?"

wooyoung looked at san's features and his eyes ultimately fell upon san's cocky grin. it was all tempting him to just lean forward slightly and capture those lips—woah, hold on there, wooyoung! you're supposed to convince yourself you're not in love with san, not the other way around!

"yeah, right. you're loveable, and that means that people are able to fall in love with you. if you haven't noticed yet, choi san, i'm not like other people. i don't fall in love with you just because you're the high school fuck boy." wooyoung rolled his eyes. san's face fell, and wooyoung noticed that. the younger frowned at first, not knowing what was it he said that made san's expression change so immediately.

"wait, i didn't mean that. i don't think-"

"is that all you think me as? the high school fuck boy?" san deadpanned, cutting wooyoung off. he put some distance between him and wooyoung and wooyoung leaned forward instead this time, hand on san's forearm to prevent the older from going away, "no! i mean, no. not at all. that's not what i think you are. maybe before, but not now-"

"oh, so you did think of me only as the high school fuck boy. did you probably think i was the king because of that? that all my friends stick around me just because i attract girls and boys? that i'm just here for a good fuck?" san asked, questions after questions bombing against the younger boy. wooyoung flinched at the harshness, his hand faltering on san's forearm until he lets go of the older.

san scoffed, "and i thought you were genuine. i thought you would honestly be different from everyone else. i just didn't know you thought of me like that as well."

san stood up and looked down at wooyoung, "don't ever talk to me again if you only think of me as that." he spat with venom before walking away, leaving wooyoung alone, leaning against the railing and head hung low.

he fucked up, he really did.

a/n: this chapter is so plain i'm so sorry ㅠㅠ

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