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i'll still love you if there's a next time.

it was the start of their senior year and for once, wooyoung didn't feel like murdering someone when he woke up. he got up, did his usual routine, and by the time he was eating breakfast, he realised that he still had a couple of minutes to go. usually, wooyoung would be eating his breakfast on the way since he woke up late and, y'know, just maybe danced in the shower for a bit too long.

so to say that wooyoung was surprised was an understatement.

he also arrived to school five minutes early. five minutes. day one of senior school isn't going that bad. so wooyoung just stood by his locker and went on his phone for a while, texting yunho to inform his best friend that he arrived early, to which yunho reacted very dramatically to.

"hey, princey. what got you here so early?" a voice asked and wooyoung didn't need to raise his head to know who it was. "hey, your majesty. i don't remember you being to school early ever."

san chuckled, leaning against to the locker next to wooyoung's, "it's just you whose never at school early. i'm always at school early. got no one to wake up to and spend the morning anyway."

"aw, that's kind of sad." wooyoung taunted, smiling cheekily upwards towards san. san rolled his eyes, "you've got no one to wake up to as well."

wooyoung scoffed, "yeah, but at least i don't complain about it."

the two's conversation went on until yunho was standing next to wooyoung, mouth agape as he stared at san. "that's—you're—"

wooyoung smiled at san, "be right back." and dragged yunho to yunho's locker, which was opposite and a bit further to wooyoung's own one. "what the fuck! you've been talking to the king and you didn't think of telling me?" yunho accused, his eyes flickering between wooyoung and san, "oh my god, did you two fuc-"

"jesus, no!" wooyoung scrunched his face, "no, we are not fuck buddies. and i did sorta tell you we were talking. i was tutoring him throughout summer. he's my tutee."

yunho raised an eyebrow, "so that one party you've went to and bailed... that was with choi fucking san?"

wooyoung nodded, "yeah. but it's not such a big deal, is it?! i just went to a party. sort of. like you said, i bailed!"

yunho snickered, "not a big deal my ass! you just—do i need to repeat this over and over again so it can get into your little brain? you went to a fucking party with choi fucking san, fucking king of the school! to add onto that, you hung out with him afterwards, didn't you? 'cause all i hear from the people that were at the party was that he dragged you out and just disappeared afterwards."

"it's not—" wooyoung was starting to realise where this was going. he grumbled, burying his face in his palms, "we did not fuck, yunho. we did not. it's just... he just helped me. you know how i feel with huge crowds. he just helped me with that. simple as that." wooyoung explained. he looked up from his palms and smiled softly, "i'm so sorry for not telling you, it's just—i really didn't think it was that big of a deal! plus, he's nothing like what the other people say. he's not arrogant, not greedy, not impolite. to be honest, he might be one of the most down to earth people i've seen and hung out with before."

yunho pouted, "was i not down to earth?"

wooyoung laughed, his laugh bouncing off walls and making yunho crack a grin as well, "well, i've known you since forever! if you were down to earth, that thought would be at the back of my head now. i don't know. were you down to earth when we met each other when we were five?"

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