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love is a garden for the youth.

san was discharged after a couple hours. his injuries weren't that major for him to stay in the hospital overnight, but he did have to come back to check in every two weeks to make sure there weren't any side effects from the injuries.

right now, the couple were sitting in san's room, the older catching up on homework he missed with wooyoung's help. wooyoung, however, wasn't really helping as he just sat on san's bed, cross-legged and eyes wandering around san's room to see what was interesting.

san put down his pen after a while and stretched, glancing back to see what his boyfriend was doing. he frowned upon seeing what wooyoung was actually doing. "stop playing with shiber, princey." san said.

wooyoung put down the plushie and chuckled, "he has a name?"

"of course he does," san replied. he got up of his chair and walked towards wooyoung, who was smiling widely up at san, "you're awfully cute tonight. do you want something from me?"

wooyoung shook his head. he held his hands out and held onto san's ones, pulling the older onto his own bed. "wait, i'm not done with work yet-"

"since when do you care about school?" wooyoung scoffed. he didn't release his hold from san's hands and looked over at a guitar on the side of san's room, "do you play?"

san followed wooyoung's gaze, only to laugh and shake his head, "that's my sister's. she just ran out of space in her own room so she stashed it in mine."

wooyoung didn't say anything afterwards, head deep in thought until he asked, "do you think she'll be okay with me borrowing it?"

san shrugged, "if you put it back just as it is, she wouldn't notice. plus, i think she's forgotten its existence since she never takes it away anyway."

wooyoung smiled. he got up from san's bed and walked over, holding the guitar in his hand. wooyoung went back and sat down on where he sat before; opposite to san, his grin widened as he took the guitar out of its bag, eyes sparkling at the musical instrument.

"my mom forced all of us to learn one instrument when we were young," wooyoung started explaining as he tuned some of the notes to the right tone, "i chose the guitar, hyung chose the flute and kyungmin chose the piano. mom didn't really approve how i chose the guitar. it was not a classical instrument, and therefore unacceptable in her book. but i managed to be the best student in the class and then, as i got into high school, i just stopped. i left my guitar in the house and just never bothered to go back and get it."

wooyoung strummed a few strings, the tone coming out as wonky and untuned. he winced. he then chuckled, "it's gonna take some time for me to get back into it. you can continue with your homework if you wanna."

san shook his head in fondness. something about wooyoung playing the guitar — his sister's guitar — in his room seemed so endearing and homely to him. it almost seemed natural, like the younger was just meant to be his background muse to his masterpieces. and wooyoung's soft attempts at strumming the right notes and then playing the right notes to a song somehow made san feel comforted and calm, unlike how his sister's late night practicing used to drive him insane.

there was something about wooyoung, san knew, that made him feel so connected and attracted to him. but what was that something? why was san so drawn to him although the two seemed to have nothing in common? was it because wooyoung was so understanding and thoughtful of him? was it because wooyoung loved him so much? or was it because wooyoung was just simply jung wooyoung, the guy he's been having a crush on since forever?

wooyoung's strumming slowly turned into a song, a familiar song that san had listened to so many times. he turned around to see wooyoung studying notes off a crumpled piece of paper, eyebrows knitted closely together as he tried his best to play the right notes. the notes were getting into place; the song was starting to form and san realised what wooyoung was playing to.

wooyoung was playing to the song san wrote when he was young.

san got up from his chair and walked to where wooyoung was. the younger didn't stop playing until he hit the end of the page, sighing out loud and looking up at san, "was that how you imagined it sounded like?"

san was touched, to say the least. he wrote this so his sister could play it for him. he remembered the day so clearly, how he gleefully skipped up to his sister, asking for her to play it for him only for her to slam the door into his face. san, of course, later understood that his sister was just too busy trying to meet their father's harsh standards. but that traumatised young san. it made him believe that he had no place in his family and that he, perhaps, was just unloved by his own family.

seeing wooyoung playing it now unlocked a door that san didn't even know existed. he felt tears swelling up in his eyes as memories after memories of him being mistreated by his family hit him like a fucking truck. it hurt; it all hurt so much. san sat down behind wooyoung as he dropped his head onto wooyoung's shoulder, the younger instantly putting down the guitar to tend to his boyfriend.

"sannie?" wooyoung said softly. he used his hand to gently wipe away san's slightly forming tears, smiling at the older warmly, "hey, i'm here for you. it's alright. it's alright."

wooyoung used his other hand to stroke san's hair, tangling his fingers within as he played with it gently. the other hand cupped san's cheek, motioning the older to look at him. when san looked up, he was faced with wooyoung's beautiful smile, the skin next to his eyes crinkled as his eyes disappeared into crescent moons.

san didn't say anything. he placed his lips softly onto wooyoung's, letting his salty tears infiltrate their kiss. san placed a hand on wooyoung's waist and had the other push wooyoung down onto the mattress, the younger now on his back as san straddled him.

the kiss was soft and raw, unlike all the other ones they've had building up to this one. this consisted of emotions, of love, of the admiration the two had for each other and the appreciation of each other being there for them. no words were needed to pass the message on, it was clear to them both that they loved each other a lot and would genuinely do anything for the other.

san pulled away, hand caressing wooyoung's hair lovingly, "you're so goddamn beautiful, young-ah."

wooyoung hummed, tilting his head up to place a kiss on san's palm, "and you're so goddamn handsome, san-ah."

the couple stayed quiet for a while, just breathing in each other's air and letting them soak in the moment. san placed another kiss on wooyoung's lips, then another on his nose, then another on his forehead, and finally on his lips again.

"i love you so fucking much, jung wooyoung. so fucking much." san muttered against wooyoung's lips. it was their love whispers again. and san loved every fucking second of it.

wooyoung kissed the corner of san's lips, "and i love you so much, too."

a/n: literally got the idea of this chap from my friend practicing her guitar on her bed and me sitting on the floor in her bedroom lmao. so everyone thank my friend.

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