Fear 🕊

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This is a quick short story that was entirely inspired by a quote from William Shakespeare, the story will include the quote towards the end, but I won't quote it instead I'll have Taehyung say it. Hope you all enjoy!
No plot :)
Italicized words are Tae's thoughts

Author's POV

"Jimin-ah..." Taehyung mumbled before looking into his best friends eyes


"I think I'm ready..." he paused, taking in a breath before continuing, "...Ready to let go of Jungkook,"



"WHAT? Bro he literally said he loves you too-"

"I know, but it's not going to work,"

I'm scared

"What do you mean it's not going to work, you two aren't even dating yet how do you know,"

"I just know. It's not going to work hyung,"

I'm really really scared

"...." Jimin sighed then put a shoulder on the younger's back, "What...what are you going to do then?"

"Stay friends, the friendship that he and I have now is all I need,"


"Look hyung, if we do start dating and break up, it'll be awkward, I doubt that we can still be friends afterward. If I stay friends with him, we can last longer- a lifetime maybe." Taehyung stuffed his hands in his pocket, biting his lips slightly

"Hm...you do have a point there..."

"Yeah, I've been thinking for the past few days so I think I'm ready to commit to this decision,"

I didn't want to commit

"Are you-"

"Yes, even if I'm not okay now, I will be okay soon,"

I hope I'll be okay

"Are you going to change anything in your relationship with Jungkook right now?"

"Of course not, it's perfect the way it is, just...I'm changing,"

"T-" Jimin was interrupted with his phone ringing, he answered after seeing the caller ID and soon ended the call, "I have to go, but...I'm happy for you Taehyung-ah, glad that you figured everything out," he smiled and hugged his best friend tightly

"Thank you so much for your support Jimin hyung,"

"Of course Tae, I have to go now, see you tomorrow!" he waved and quickly ran off

The younger turned on his heels and found the closest bench, sat down, and plugged in his earbuds, he closed his eyes and listened to his music, thinking back on what he said.

You say you love the rain but you open your umbrella.

You say you love the sun but you find a shadow spot.

You say you love wind but you close your windows.

This is why I am afraid when you say you love me.

He opened his eyes when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hyungie? Are you ready to go?" Tae heard a giggle and smiled

"Of course, let's go," he put his arms around the younger's shoulder and they both started walking home

"Where's Jimin hyung?"

"Ah he had to leave earlier today, but he'll join us tomorrow,"

"Oh okay,"

"So how was your day kook?" they kept talking until they reached their dorm, but there was only one thing circling Tae's head.

But even if I'm afraid, he doesn't need to know that, as long as we stay together.

That's all I 'll ask.

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