Rooms 🛏

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Little: Jungkook
Caregiver: Taehyung
{Warning: Littlespace, 'nursing'}
[Story inspired by Bon Voyage Season 4, content is made up for story entertainment only, not all scenes that I write will be in the actual show thank you >v< ]
Plot: Jungkook thought he was going to share a room with his caregiver but apparently he thought wrong?

Jungkook's POV

"Alright let's pick rooms now shall we?" Yoongi hyung insisted and we all sat down, happy and full after out delicious dinner

"Yea!" I giggled out excitedly because I will be sharing a room with Taehyungie hyung~
I remembered talking about room sharing with Taehyung a few weeks ago and I've remembered till now

"Okay who's with Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asked

"I can," Hobi said, leaning back in his chair, pretty exhausted from the events before

"Okay, and who's with Namjoon?" I just zoned out like always, since I'm sharing a room with hyungie anyways and I felt tired so I just rocked from side to side ready to rest and get the room sorting over with

"Jungkook can be with you," Seokjin said after the crew members whispered into his ear

"Sure and Taehyung you'll be with..."

"Me!" I smiled

"Ah no Kook, you're with Namjoon, uhh Jimin can be with Tae" Hoseok hyung said

"Yayyy." I pouted seeing Jimin and Taehyung hugging tightly as I huffed

"Wahh then I'll have my own room," the oldest added, making Namjoon laugh

"Alright you guys can go put your items into your rooms then we'll turn off the cameras," the camera crew said as the members nodded, all except for me

"Hmph," I pouted again when I had to roll out my suitcase from Taehyung's room, I-I...I put it in there because I really thought I could share a room with D-hyungie...w-why can't I?

{Time skip to after sorting their things}

"Alright, cameras are off, you guys can rest, see you all tomorrow!"

~Namkoo's room~ {this is off camera keep in mind}

"Kook-ah, I know you want to share a room with Taehyung, but you'll see him tomorrow so you'll be fine okay?" Namjoon put his arm around my shoulders as I looked down, whining a bit. He stroked my back a little to calm me down and I guess that helped so.I just signed and got into bed

"O-okay..." he smiled before turning the lights off and both of us drifted off to sleep

Author's POV {Time skip 3 hours later - around 1 in the morning}

"Mmm, n-nu D-dada come b-back! *gasp*" the youngest woke up with Namjoon shaking him

"Kook? You oka-" a loud cry was heard and Namjoon panicked since it was really late and he really didn't want Jungkook to wake the others, "Jun-uh I mean, Koo, hon what's wrong? What do you need?"

"B-Bun wan D-dada! Bun w-w-wan dada n-now!" he cried, his long his messy and over his face as he shivered in the cold because he wasn't under his blanket

"But your Dada is sle-"


"Shhhh, alright alright, Joonie hyung will go get your caregiver okay? You be good and stay here, no crying please hon," Namjoon tried to console Jungkook as best he can before rushing to Vmin's room

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