Daughter pt.2🙂

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Older: Taehyung
Younger: Jungkook
{Warning: sensitive topic, angst}
Plot: April doesn't have much longer, is her dream going to come true? Is Taehyung going stay with Jungkook?

Author's POV

April has 3 more months left and Jungkook has been staying with Tae and April in their apartment for the time being. Not that he's complaining though, he loves the fact that he can spend time and make April happy while also being able to see Taehyung everyday.

"Uncle Kookie!!" April giggled, jumping onto his lap

"Yes my lovely cupcake,"

"Y-you like my appa d-don't you!" she smirked after seeing Jungkook's face turn red, "Hah! I'm right~ I'm right~" she sung leaving a pouting and dumbfounded Kookie behind

'Was I that obvious?'

"Yes Kookie, you were very obvious,"

"What the heck?! Can you read my thoughts? How did yo-huh???"

"I don't know," she held her hands up and shrugged, "I'm gonna go tell appa!!" she ran out of the living room and up the stairs, trying to get to Taehyung's office before Jungkook can catch up to him


"Nope!" the oldest looked up at the two as the door to his office slowly creaked open, the view was definitely something. With April in Koo's arms and his hand over her mouth and a very pissed April hitting Jungkook's shoulders with her tiny fists.

"What on ear-"

"Affa, be wikes oo!" Jungkook giggled nervously and stared at the older trying his best not to blush

Taehyung at his desk with his tie loose on his neck and the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows, styled hair and a smirk on his face..?

'Oh my fucking god he's so hot- wait snap out of it!'

"A-ah! April is trying to s-say that um...that she likes someone! Yea that she likes someone!"

"No I don't, it's you tha-"

"Okay- I'm just gonna take April away now, sorry for bothering you Taehyung uhh see you later bye!" he shut the door as fast as he can and let out a sigh of relief. He put the younger down and she huffed and kicked Jungkook's shin "Ow! Hey what was that for??"

"For not letting me tell appa that you like him!" (the walls are totally soundproof, Tae totally can't hear them arguing outside of his office right now)

"Shh! Goodness, let's go play some board games okay? Then I'll let you help me with dinner,"

"Fine," she rolled her eyes and went back to the living room

{1 Month Left}

April has gotten a bit weaker, she's not as hyper and excited and jumpy as she was before. Sometimes she zones out, sometimes she doesn't want to eat and sometimes she sleeps for 12 hours which freaks Taehyung and Jungkook out.

"Hyungie. l-let's admit April into the hospital please? So that the hospital can monitor her and see if th-"

"I...I don't want to. What if..what if she dies when I'm asleep at night and I didn't get to the hospital in time to see her one last time? What if the medications and the treatments they give her only make her feel weaker and worse?"

"Why not ask April? To see what she wants?"

"..Yea I suppose that'll work."

{1 week left}

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