Chapter 1

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a/n- So... I am actually doing this. I hope you guys like it! by the way, you are 21, I think Isabela is 22, so we can go from there. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong!

I woke up to the sound of a guitar strumming, and my brother's horrific singing voice trying to write a song for Isabela.  "Oh my flower, she blossoms in the sun, she has an awesome family adored by everyone". It wasn't a bad song, but a bad voice.

I slid on my slippers and walked downstairs, stretching and yawning. "y/n, put some clothes on, you woke up late and we have to get to the Casita Madrigal" said my mother. "Okay mama, i'm going" I said and walked upstairs, grabbing an Arepa before I left. It wasn't as good as Julieta's.  

It was true. I woke up around four p.m. But There was a reason! I was dreaming about... No specific person. But her hair was so silky, so shiny, her flowers so beautiful, her almond eyes so breathtaking. Isabela Madrigal was the girl of my dreams. But the girl of my dreams, I could never be with her, as Mama wanted Mariano to be with her, a man just as perfect as Isabela.

I on the other hand was just a dissapointment to the family.  I usually wore oversized t-shirts when I didn't go outside of the house and socialize, which I didn't do often enough anyways, and my hair was never combed. Mariano on the other hand was perfect, in the traditional Columbian clothing, the hair, the complexion. He never could do wrong.

I went upstairs and contemplated trying to look nice for Isabela.  I decided for it, and grabbed a colorful dress, and combed my shorter curly hair until it looked presentable. I put a hairclip in, and to spice myself up put on some risky eyeliner. 

I ran downstairs, grabbing my sketchbook and followed Mama and Mariano to the house. Alma Madrigal met us halfway there, looking very proud, but then glared in my direction.  She thought I might be a bad infuence on Isabela.

When we got there, I set down my sketchbook on the table and plopped down, not really paying attention to the conversation.  Mirabel seemed out of it. She didn't seem to be acting normal, and neither did her father, Agustin. I decided to ignore it.

I occasionaly munched on Julieta's food, and then went back to sketching Isabela. she was the gem of the table.  Suddenly I heard Mariano say in his strange lovebird voice, "LuIsA, cAn YoU PuLl Up tHe PiAnO?"  I rolled my eyes and sighed, knowing what was about to happen. 

Luisa looked as if she was going to cry. She dragged herself over to the piano, and struggled to even push it a few feet.  Mirabel just kept acting weirder and weirder. She threw herself onto the floor in a corner, and posed like it was for a photo, putting a thumbs up, and saying, "Hey Mariano! It's OUR family tradition for songs AFTER the proposal, so you should do that!"

Isabela was sitting in a chair, and Mariano got down on one knee. Suddenly Mirabel let out a gasp. "What?" I asked, looking at her confused. "Oh, nothing" she replied, and smiled.

"Isabela Madrigal, ever since I have seen you you have been the apple of my eye.  The flower in my weeds, the-" He was cut of my Mirabel yelling "NO!" and she dove under the table, causing Isa to accidently send flowers everywhere, one hitting Mariano's nose, and he clutched it.

The other flowers flew everywhere, and some carried me up to the roof. "MAMA, MARIANO, HELP!" I yelled, but nobody heard because it thundered as Tia Pepa got frightened by a strange green thing slid across the table to Abuela Alma.

I sat on the roof, not knowing how to get down, and finished sketching Isa.  Just then I heard a noise behind me.  "That looks good" said a voice as smooth as honey. It was Isa. 

"Isa! You scared me!" I said, jumping at the sound.  "I didn't mean to" she said, smiling, and sitting down beside me on a pile of flowers.  "y/n do I really look that imperfect?" she said, looking like she had let someone down. "No! You are beautiful, I mean pretty, I mean attractive for someone like.. you?"

"You seem nervous" said Isa, chuckling.  She scooted closer to me.

"Isa, you are perfectly imperfect" I said, choosing my words carefully.  I leaned in closer, feeling her breath on my cheek. I smelled her scent of roses.  She leaned in closer...

a/n- Okay! Thats all! GET CLIFFHENGERED!!!!! I hope you enjoyed!

Perfectly Imperfect~ Isabela Madrigal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now