Chapter 8

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Oh my god! This chapter is so sweet! I love it so much! fluff chapter for the win!  This is Isabela taking y/n on a date in the mountains.

word count: 933

I awakened from my peaceful sleep, with dreams of Isa scattered in them.  My eyes were blurry, and I looked around for a moment, taking in the scent of freshly grown cattleya orchids.  I rubbed my eyes to adjust them to the light, and couldn't see Isa. I sat up, and saw the bedsheets messed up. I got out of bed and fixed them, walking over to the large open up dresser. The full length mirror inside of it showed off my messy hair and party outfit I hadn't cared to change out of.

I grabbed a button up, a sweater, and some loose gray pants and put them on, layering it.  I put my hair half up, my fingers getting stuck in the dark brown locks because it didn't bother to brush it.  I threw on some random rings, and slid on checkered vans.  I walked out of the room, immediately smelling something good.  I passed by the other rooms, and saw Dolores pushing Mariano into her room and heard her let out a small giggle.  She stopped in her tracks when she saw me, and just gave me a look saying 'I won't tell if you don't'.  My face went hot as i realized what she was doing. Lets just say I walked away pretty quickly after that.

I finished my route to the kitchen finding already cooked Arepa de Huevos sitting on the counter.  I grabbed a colorful plate from the cabinet, and loaded my plate.  I sat down and stuffed my mouth, and heard a voice from behind the wall connecting the middle of the house to the kitchen.  Isabela walked in with her mom. "Isa!" I tried to say with my mouth full but it came out "Ifa?". Isa laughed, grabbing a napkin and wiping the corners of my mouth.  

"y/n, i have a surprise for you! come on, it will take a while to get there!" She said energetically. I quickly finished the food, and put my plate in the sink.  Isabela grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the door.  We walked out the door, and I almost tripped on the uneven cobblestone.  Me and Isa burst out laughing, and kept walking as I clutched my stomach letting out belly laughs.  the townsfolk were mostly supportive of our relationship, and they gave us smiles and waved at us as we weaved through the roads of the town and around the beautiful hand-built houses.

Isa kept leading me, me walking behind her as her golden-brown arms swung back and forth with her fast pace.  We eventually got to a small path through some shrubbery, and Isa jumped through.  I was hesitant, my arms held close to my body, as I stood in front of it. Isa reached her arm through, and I held it, her pulling me into a beautiful opening with birds flying around at the top, and beautiful orange, beige and pink flowers everywhere. (Yes this is a reference to the lesbian flag). The sky was a beautiful shade of blue, and there was a red plaid blanket set out, a weaved picnic basket setting on top of it.

My jaw dropped at the sight, taking in the beautiful scenery all around us.  "Isa, you did this for me?"  She nodded, grinning a childish grin. I smiled a huge smile, and hugged her, resting my head on her shoulders.  We ran over to the blanket, falling onto the blanket, feeling the texture of the soft grass below us.  I moved my hand over to Isa's, holding hers as we gazed at the clouds.  She looked at me with her gorgeous hazel eyes, the gleam from the sunlight reflecting circles that made the almond shape sparkle almost.  

She sat back up after a good ten minutes, and took out some messily made sandwiches, and strawberries and chocolate from the picnic basket.  She obviously made the sandwiches, they were all lopsided, but all the same the gesture was so sweet. We ate them, enjoying the company of one another as we stared into eachothers eyes.  When we finished the sandwiches we took the strawberries and chocolate, feeding them to eachother, our arms getting hooked up around each other.  We laughed, chocolate smeared on my bottom lip. I licked it off, looking lovingly at Isabela's perfect face.  She looked so pretty laughing as the sunshine shone on her, brightening her smile and her eyes.  It felt like something out of a romance novel.

"Oh! Theres one other reason I brought you here!" said Isa, doing a little Debby Ryan hair tuck.  She grabbed a small box out of the basket.  She opened it, and inside were two resin rings, each filled with small jacaranda petals. I put my hands over my mouth, tears forming at the corners of my eyes.  "Will you officialy be my girlfriend?" She said, tears pulling at the corners of her eyes too. "Isa, of course!" I said, tears of joy streaming down my face.  She put on her ring, sliding mine on my finger, and I reached over and kissed her, the warm sunshine on our backs as her sweet lips danced with mine. This was the perfect date.

Awww. Thats so sweet. Im going to write more chapters like this, because we followed the entire movie from where we started, so we shall continue with out own little plots and ideas.  I really hope you enjoyed this!

Perfectly Imperfect~ Isabela Madrigal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now