Chapter 10

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My younger sister got an encanto toy set, and Camilo looking kinda sussy---Okay, im already on chapter 10? Speed running this- imma stop now.  okay, getting spicy vibezzz from Isa over here. word count: 934

"Who wants to play seven minutes in heaven?" Isa said. Luisa raised her eyebrows.  Camilo smirked, standing up and walking over to where Isabela and I here.  He sat down, looking around as if to say, anybody else?  His friend Andre walked over and sat down beside me, waiting for Luisa and Juan to join.  Dolores and Mariano were already close enough to them so be part of the circle. They walked over, and sat down. Isa waved her hand and a flower room grew itself about ten feet away from the circle they had formed.  

"Okay, rules are, somebody spins it, and the person it lands on and the person who spun it have to go in the room for 7 minutes.  They can talk, sit there, make out, Other stuff, I dunn"Said ISa, continuing.   "After 7 minutes have passed, we open the door and go again. don't be too loud!" finished Isa.  She grinned, and went to the middle of the circle.  Spinning the bottle, she watched as it spun to Juan.  The two walked into the room, flowers entwining themselves closing the entrance.  

"So... Juan. You and my cousin?" I heard her say loudly.  I snickered, and couldn't hear anything else because I bent over, trying to hold in belly laughs as to not wake up the youngest at the sleepover.  I saw Luisa get very red and look at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers.  After seven minutes had passed, Juan and Isa walked out of the room, Isa looking proud and Juan looking like a ripened tomato.  "Alright, your turn Mariano" I said, giving the bottle to Mariano after Isa slipped it to me, giving me a small kiss.  

He took the bottle, and almost as if it was planned, landed on Dolores.  


I saw the tip of the long glass bottle point to me.  I smiled, shyly looking at him.  He led me into the dark flower room, the only light slipping in through small gaps in the petals.  When the door entwined shut Mariano grabbed my hips, bringing his face to my ear.  He deepened his voice.  "Kiss me Dolores" He said in a raspy tone, and bringing my arms to his neck I connected our lips.  His sweet lips tasted peppery from dinner, and I smiled at the familiar scent of his hair around my face.  His beard felt smoother than it looked, and I melted into his button up shirt.  

This wasn't my first kiss, but it was the first kiss that mattered, my first kiss with somebody who mattered.  He bit my bottom lip, and I smiled, him trying to get into my mouth was entertaining. I teased him, closing and opening my teeth quickly.  He finally slipped his tongue in, both of ours fighting for dominance as I quickly lost a battle. His tongue explored my mouth like it was a new world, needing to find every little detail. 

He kissed down my cheek and to my jawline, going further to my neck. He kissed, and every couple inches would bite, adorning my once clear neck with little marks only visible in the light.  He pulled away, smiling, proud of his work and I giggled as the vines creating a door withdrew, leaving us in the light.  We walked out, and I was happy I was the one with good hearing. I sat down near Camilo, and his eyes widened and he smirked, noticign how red my face was..  



I saw Dolores and Mariano walk out, both of them flustered.  Mariano handed the bottle to Andres, him looking at Dolores with a goofy look plastered onto his face.  Andres spun, it almost landing on him, but at the last second a gust of wind blew it a few more inches and pointed towards Camilo.  Andres looked nervous but Camilo walked in with him.  I can only imagine what they did in there, but I was sure I heard a moan, and when the door opened Camilo walked out smugly, leaving Andres standing there with tousled hair and a slightly wrinkled shirt. 

I grabbed the bottle, as I saw people were getting tired, and spun it at an angle so it would point at Isabela.  As soon as it did, I grabbed her bridal style and ran into the room, her closing the door.  I wanted everyone to know how I could mess with Isabela.  I smashed my lips into hers, her sinking into my arms. At my lips' touch she blossomed for me like a flower.  I snuck my tongue into her mouth, biting her lip as she gasped.  

I kissed down her jawline, earning a gasp from her as I left one hickey, two hickey, three.  I knew the end of seven minutes was appoaching quickly and I gave her a kiss on the forehead.  

We walked out, everybody giving us looks as we sat down, her sitting on my lap.  

"Welp- Im going to bed" Said Luisa, her eyes wide as she walked over to her sleeping bag.  I smiled, knowing what I had done, making Isabela's face heat up.  "Goodnight ya'll I said, bringing Isabela to the sleeping bags with me.  I did not regret coming to this sleepover. Not one bit.

Oop- that was sussy.  hope you enjoyed. Happy national corn chip day.  goodbye. 

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