hey..... im back for now WHO WANTS SMUT

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HA im grounded. so imma write a smutshot that has nothing to do with the story but here we are so... yeah.  Im not even going to put thought into it just S  M  U  T.  also its in a point of view that it could be any gender, female, male, trying to make it non binary seemingly (me, duh). anybody else read smut religiously? okay im done talking. not really my body is failing me (: bc my stomach just aches and my makeshift binder is like hA BiTcH I CrUsH YoUr LuNgS He hE He

Here you go:

Isabela Madrigal is horny

Oh look theres a whore to be fucked

mm kisses im a bottom

oh no we switvched positions more kisses

isa makes horsey noises

oh look im giving isa head

fuck she came

good isa i love this bitch

/j thats not actually it...

Isa grabbed my neck digging her fingernails into my skin. the feeling was ecstasy, pushed down onto the bad, Isa above me with a grin having complete control. For now.  I wanted to let Isabela have her fun.  I rolled my eyes into the back of my head, opening my mouth wide and let out a loud, dragging moan.  I clearly got Isa aroused by this point.  She let her hand go from my throat to her own body.  But I grabbed her arms.

"Not so fast, jacaranda" I said with a smile, free from her grasp.  I pinned her arms above her head and kissed HER neck. As soon as I got my way she was a   S U B M I S S I V E    B O T T O M {Just like me. I'm sorry. not really(:}  I trailed amethysts down her petite neck, little spots of purple and little ruby red diamonds.   I could practically smell the lust coming from her face, her pupils so filled out, her breathy pants bringing bliss to both of us. 

Through the sounds of the breathy noises from both of us gave me euphoria, letting feelings in my stomach erupt.  I lowered my head to her stomach and left little wet spots, gleaming in the dim lighting, letting my tongue trail down her torso.  She bucked her hips trying to get me down farther.  I let my tongue play with her thighs, tracing my name onto them. She let out an euphoric moan, almost like a groan.  It gave me a gay feeling. {I mean that in the most literal sense, both definitions} 

I let my mouth move to her hole, and moved around in it as she arched her back.  I was ectastic. I let her lay there in her pleasure.  She eventually came all over my face, and I licked it off as she watched, partly embarrassed.   

"I love you my Jacaranda"

WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK DID I JUST WRITE? anyways i need therapy. firstly, if i have like three voices in my head, like three different people who have different personalities is that a sympotom of DID? i cant fucking spell shit.  have fun with whatever the fuck this is.

Perfectly Imperfect~ Isabela Madrigal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now