Chapter 14

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I wrote this while watching the Olympics. Do with that information as you like.


I ran with Dolores and Mariano to the edges of the mountains surrounding the town. Just before i ran through to the other side, i paused, skidding on the wet mud. I had never been outside of the encanto. "Coming Isa?" asked Mariano. I stood there contemplating my decision. I stepped out. "Let's go." I said. We continued to run until we reached the outside of a small town. Mariano continued forth until we reached a grubby looking building. Mariano stormed in. Dolores grabbed him when she heard something. I could tell because her eyes widened and she froze up for a second. Mariano froze, looking back at his beloved. "What is it darling?" he asked in a whisper. "She's with the girl" Dolores said, creeping towards the basement door.

"Isabela, on the count of three we storm in and you use your vines to trap the girl. Mariano, you run to your sister, she's in the corner of the room. And hurry, somebody is coming in the next twenty minutes to take her. We have to work fast." Dolores said, incongruous closer to the door.

"One." she said, ready to swing open the door.

"Two." she continued, Mariano ready to run.

"Three." she said, swinging the door open as I swished my hands, taking the taller blonde by surprise. The tall vines pinned her to the wall, holding her up a few inches from the ground.

Mariano ran to the ragged looking thing in the corner. I held my hands up, keeping the vines twisting around her further as she sliced with a sharp knife. I looked closer to the corner, and saw Mariano cutting something off of the skin and bones girl. It was y/n. I gasped, seeing now dirty her face saw with tear streaks down her face clearing little paths from the puffy red eyes that looked miserable and indefinitely hopeless. Her clothes were torn, and her mouth was ringed with gray from an old looking rag beside her. Her hands were purpley-black, looking like bones and her feet were tied together.

I left the vines and ran over to them, cupping their face with my hands. I saw the difference in their eyes as I walked over, and their smile lit up. They sat up in the bed and wiped their face as their feet were untied by Mariano. They hugged Mariano, and i joined in as Dolores ran over.

"Hey guys, not to be a buzzkill but SHES ESCAPING THE VINES" said Dolores, gesturing to the maniacal girl almost free from the now limp vines. I slammed her against the wall again and took the knife from her hands that were enclosed in the green growth. I went straight to her throat. "YOU PHYCOPATH COULD HAVE KILLED THEM. I WAS WORRIED SICK AND IF YOU EVER, EVER COME NEAR US AGAIN YOU WILL REGRET IT WITH YOU LIFE." I said, bringing the knife down from her head, crossing my arms. (Girl power from Isa, love that) Dolores gave me a surprised look, but they helped Y/n stand up, waking up the stairs as I left Harper to deal with the large man who was going to take her. He was not going to be happy.

Once we reached La Casa Madrigal, we were stormed by people trying to get to Y/n. I pushed people out of the way until I reached Mama. She grabbed Y/n gently, and set them down on the couch, giving them food. The cuts on their arms and side healed quickly, and I took them into a different room to help them into different clothes. Once they looked more comfortable, we went into the kitchen and I washed their hair as they relaxed. This is how it is meant to be. Just me and Y/n against the world.

Okay!! that's all for this plot part, and now.... drumroll please... I am doing one shots! If you want anything just comment or message me and I will try to get it written! Thanks for all the support and, yes, I will only write if I get requests. I'll post another thing about this soon! see ya!

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