You fucking broke girls code!

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I am at the beach with Ali, Barbara and Susan

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I am at the beach with Ali, Barbara and Susan.

"Omg remember when Jayleigh was here for the first time?!" Barbara said laughing her ass out. "Yeah no let's not bring that up." I said laughing.

Ali looks at the guys who are playing soccer. Including my ex. Daniel LaRusso.

"What are you looking at mrs. Mills?" Susan asked. "Nothing!" She said smiling.

I already knew who she was looking at. We heard a lot of motorcycles pull up.

"Oh. Look who's there Ali!" I said looking up. It was her ex-boyfriend. Johnny Lawrence.  He gets off of his motorbike and takes off his gloves.

"Hey Ali i want to talk to you." He said sitting in front of her. "Leave me alone." Ali said looking to the sand. "We've been over all this. I don't wanna talk" she then said. "Well i wanna talk to you, alright?" Johnny said turning the radio off.

Ali turns the radio back on. "What is you're problem?" Johnny asked Ali. "Why won't you take you're little cobra kai's and get out of here!" Ali said standing up.

"Oh yeah right and that's gonna solve everything?" Johnny asked taking her radio from her.

"Give me my radio!" Ali said. "No!" Johnny said. "I said give me my radio!" Ali said once more. "You'll promise you talk to me?" Johnny asked. "Yeah" she said.

Johnny gives her her radio but she turned it back on. Johnny grabbed it from her and threw it on the floor. "Did you just break my radio?!" Ali yelled.

Daniel came walking to us and grabbed the radio from the ground "don't touch it punk!".

I rolled my eyes at Daniel and walked up to Johnny. Johnny looks at me up and down. I whispered in Johnny's ear "Please stop.. it'll make Daniel go away and he's my ex". He looked at me and nodded.

Ali walked to Daniel and my heart shattered. "What the fuck Ali?!" I yelled. She looked at me and kissed Daniel again.

My eyes fill with tears. I grab my shoes and everything i got there and walk away from there.

Why would Ali do that?...

Ali brought me here so i just walked away. A few minutes later i heard motorcycles behind me. I looked behind me seeing The cobra kais. I wiped my tears away. "Hey you ok?" Someone asked. I look beside me seeing Johnny on his bike speeding my walk.

"Y-yeah i'm fine just leave it, it already happened." I said walking a bit faster.

"Come on! I'll bring you home" Johnny said. I look at him and he just smiles.

"Fine. But it'll never happen again." I said. I hopped on behind him. He gave me his helmet. I put it on and he brings me to the hills. "Thanks for the ride" i said jumping off.

Eventually.. (Johnny Lawrence x Jayleigh estaves) Where stories live. Discover now