Cunt head ripped out of the womb.

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I wake up at 7:45. "Fuck!" I yelled i got up and looked back at the bed. The boys were staring at me in shock. "You guys didn't wake me up??" I asked. "We called school that we couldn't come because we were sick." Johnny said. I just stood there. "Hm i needed to pee anyway." I said going to the bathroom. I heard them giggling.

When i went back everyone was still there. "I'm tired asf" i said getting into bed again and snuggle into Johnny. They all chuckled "we already knew" Dutch said.


We all are downstairs on the couch doing nothing just talking. "Jay-Leigh wait- we didn't see the bruise can we see it real quick?" Jimmy asked. I stood up and lifted my shirt up and pants a bit down. It was al purple and green. They al were still furious about it. "If i ever see him near you again i'll kill him" Johnny said. I smiled soft. "He needs to choke in his own dick. But he can't cuz it's like shorter then my pinky" i said. Johnny looked at me. "U f-fucked him?" He asked sad. "N-no-" i slapped my hand on my forehead. "I meant it as a joke. Bc i know it is. I didn't see it irl" i said laughing "well.. i almost did yesterday" i said looking down.

"It wouldn't be the first time someone did that to me.-" i looked up and ran upstairs and slammed my door. I heard them running up to my room. "What do you mean by 'it wouldn't be the first time someone did that to me' ?!" Dutch yelled which made me flinch. "Do i need to explain literally everything" i said back with tears running down my cheek. "Yes i would love that. We wanna know what happened that day when it all happened we want to protect you! Just tell us we won't laugh or do anything stupid this is serious!" Johnny kind of yelled. I sat down on my bed. 

"Well.. two years ago i was still friends with Ali.. and we went to a party.." i started.

Flashback to april 5 1981:

I was at a party with Ali and we had a lot of fun. "Hey uhh Ali i'll he right back i'm going to get a beer!" I said into her ear so she can hear me through the music. I went to the drinks and grabbed a beer. When i saw a guy look and me and smirk i went back to Ali real quick. But I didn't reach to her.. he grabbed my waist and pulled me into an empty room. "Hey babygirl where do you think you're going?" The boy asked. "I was going to my friend now excuse me" i said trying to walk away. I yanked me on the bed and pinned my hands above my head.

"After we finished this" he said kissing me. I tried to move my head multiple times but it didn't work he was to strong. He smirked against my lips. I started to feel his boner push on my vagina. I cried and cried. He pulls his penis out and took off my panties and my skirt that i was wearing. "Ssshhh babygirl you'll like it" he said with a gross tone. I yelled "HELP!!". But no one came to rescue me. He was in me for three quarters. He eventually pulled out and i was there laying unconscious.

He started to put my clothes back on and went to get Ali so she could get me home. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!" Ali yelled. "I-idk i found her here" the boys said acting like he did nothing.

The next day i was very tired and my legs hurt..
End of flashback.

Back to now:
They all looked at me who was crying. "A-nd it was my birthday.." my voice cracked. "I'm sorry i d-didn't tell you guys earlier I wasn't ready" i said wiping my tears with my shirt. They all came up to me and hug my as tight as they could. I felt tears on my back and shoulders. Were they crying with m-me? I could feel they're warmth. "Ali still doesn't have a clue.. and she just thinks nothing is wrong but she doesn't know a thing of my past" my voice cracked again. "And she doesn't have to know.. but we do and that's what matters we want you to tell us everything" Johnny said wiping some tears of off his face.

Eventually.. (Johnny Lawrence x Jayleigh estaves) Where stories live. Discover now