Just a normal day in not normal school.

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I woke up at 4am in the morning hearing Robby cry for the second time. I sighed and god up exhausted. "Shh" i hissed. "Daddy is sleeping" i added. I walked downstairs to see Jimmy in the kitchen. "Hey Jimmy weren't you just upstairs?" I asked. "Oh no.. I can't sleep" he said. "Omg Jimmy did you not sleep??" I asked. "Of course i did, but i woke up at three forty five and couldn't sleep." He said smiling sipping his water. Poor Jimmy. "Oh well.. the guys up there are snoring. Including Johnny" i said rolling my eyes.

"One of the reasons I couldn't sleep anymore" he laughed softly. "Understandable" i smiled. "Can you maybe hold Robby i need to make him a bottle" i said. "Of course" Jimmy smiled and took Robby from me. I made Robby a bottle as Jimmy plays with him.

The microwave beeps and i got the bottle out of there as quick as possible to not wake up the boys. I gave Jimmy the bottle so he could give Robby the bottle. Jimmy gave Robby the bottle. "I can't wait when he grows up.." i said. "But the second thought i want him to be little" i laughed quiet. "Understandable" Jimmy smiled.

When Robby finished his bottle Jimmy let him burp. I smiled. When he burped Jimmy gave him to me. "Let's go upstairs" i said. Jimmy nodded yes. We walked back upstairs. We heard that the guys stopped snoring.

Me and Jimmy looked at each other. As I opened the door i saw them all awake. "Oh hey boys" i said soft. "Where were you?" Johnny asked. "Giving Robby a bottle" i said. "And Jimmy?" Johnny asked. "He was downstairs like fifteen minutes before i came" i said laying Robby in his bed and started to slowly sway his little bed.

"Why are you all up?" I asked. "Idk i just woke up out of nowhere"  Bobby said. "That's weird. Jimmy couldn't sleep anymore either" i said. They all looked at me. "What?" I asked. "You're shoulder" Johnny said pointing to his shoulder.

I looked at my shoulder to see puke from Robby. I looked up from my shoulder. "I'll be right back" i said. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower real quick.


We didn't sleep for the rest of the night and it's 9am rn. School was starting later. When i got ready i looked at my nose real quick. It still looked like shit.

"Are you ready baby?" Johnny asked with the little carseat in his hands. I saw Robby playing in it. "Yep let's go" i said. He walked out of the house and so did i. The boys locked the house door and followed me to the car.

When we arrive we had the same schedule. "I have the same schedule as yesterday" i said. "So do i" they all said in sync. I chuckled. "Alright i'll see you guys in Science" i smiled and gave Johnny a kiss. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in. Our body's were touching till we heard the school bell. We both rolled our eyes. I grabbed Robby out of the carseat and i lied the carseat in my locker since the locker is big enough. I walked to class with Robby.

I saw students looking at my nose. And at Robby. I saw Ali standing there with also her nose broken. I'm guessing she fell on her nose cause I didn't punch her that hard. And so is Daniel. All bruised up.

When i sat down i saw Dutch walk in. He sat down next to me and i gave him Robby so he could play with him. Eventually Robby fell asleep in his arms. Robby looked so cute. And Dutch really looked like his uncle.


After Science we had Gym. I grabbed the carseat out of my locker and carefully layed Robby in there so he doesn't wake up. Me and Dutch met Johnny and the boys at the big field. I saw girls hitting on Johnny which made me jealous. Johnny saw me and kissed me in front of them. They all walked away.

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