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I was asleep until i heard talking. I ignored it for a bit. I couldn't sleep anymore so i decided to let them know i was awake. They started to look at me move and i just stood up and went to the bathroom. I still had my eyes half closed so i bumped into a closed bathroom door and fall back. I heard someone running up to me.

It was Johnny. Johnny grabbed me and lied me back but i still needed to pee so i hold it for a minute. I sat up and all the boys sat there trying to hold their laugh bc of my bump action.

"Hey it's not my fault the door was closed" i said crossing my arms. "But it did was ur fault bc u walked with ur eyes half closed" Tommy said. I rolled my eyes. I stood up and opened my eyes fully.

I walked to the bathroom and went to pee. The guys just talked and i looked at myself in the mirror. "Wtf are you doing Jay-Leigh??" i asked myself.

The phone is ringing. I walked out of the bathroom as soon as i could and saw the boys looking at me. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey sweatheart" my mom said. "Oh. Hey" i said. "Hey don't be like that i'm sorry i hung up on you.. i needed to go and it was a big rush" she said. "Yeah u could at least say bye ma" i said sighing. "Yeah i'm sorry" she said. "Sorry is not gonna solve it ma. U guys are gone for more then three months now and i'm paying rent. I do everything u guys have to do!" I said. "Yes Jay-Leigh ur paying rent. So what?? Ur the only one using everything" she said. "Mom! I always pay rent! Even if u guys are here and what is going to happen? Are u guys moving to LA?? Are you guys leaving me behind as if u guys have no daughter?" I said angry. "I pay everything! Is this house on my name?" I asked. "It eventually will." She said.

"Yk what mom. I guys are never here for me whatever happens don't call me." I said. I hung up without regret. I turned around and walked away but i bumped into Johnny who was standing behind me. "Oh.. hey" i said.

He looked at me and saw i was furious. "i need to go get groceries" i said. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and started to get ready. When i'm doing my making i stare at myself in the mirror for a while and start to get tears bc of my mom. "I'm never doing something right" i said putting my waterproof mascara on.

"Can u please stop being so negative about yourself?" Jimmy asked leaning on the wall. I turned around seeing them all standing there. "Maybe" i said wiping my tears. "Hey.. it's ok you're mom will be making it up to you.." Johnny said walking up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder massaging it.

"I can't help it" i said. "She's acting as if she's got no daughter.." i said. They all stayed quiet and i just finished my make up. "If u guys excuse me.. i need to go" i said. "I wanna come with you.." they all said in sync. I nodded so they could come.


I went to the pads and tampons section. I went to grab tampons when i caught the boys walk to me. I grabbed it real quick and hid it in the shopping cart. "U don't need to hide it yk?" Bobby said. "It's normal lemme see" Dutch said grabbing the tampons.

I started to get red. "Hey leave that thing alone!" Johnny said grabbing the tampons from Dutch and laying it back in the cart. I looked at him and smiled. I grabbed two more boxes of tampons and threw it in the car.

"Can u believe that this is going into ur girlfriend before u do?" Tommy asked Johnny. I heard all of it and looked at Tommy. I looked at him confused. I laughed "what the fuck".

We all got back to the car. The boys chatted and i just stayed quiet. Johnny eventually noticed. "Hey are you ok?" He asked. "I'm fine" i said forcing my smile. "U don't seem like it though" Johnny said. 

I stayed quiet. "It's just my mom in my head that's it" i said smiling. I pulled into my driveway and got out and grab all the stuff that was heavy asf.

Dutch and Johnny grabbed it from me. I smiled "thank you". They all started to do they're own stuff.


It was hot outside so i decided to grab a short and a crop top with a bikini under it. I walked downstairs. I stared at the boys who were staring at me. "What?" I smiled.

They all looked away as soon as possible except Johnny. "I'm going for a walk anyone coming?" I asked. They all said yes and we headed outside.

The hotness was killing me but it was nice. We decided to walk to the beach. Which was a few blocks away. Dutch had a soccer ball in his hands and i smiled.


We're playing soccer and had loads of fun. I took of my clothes leaving me in a bikini.

Johnny's pov:
I saw Jay-Leigh in her bikini and god she us hot. We all know. But she won't admit it. She's playing soccer with us. "Johnny!" Tommy yelled. I got the ball and i dribbled with it. Till Jay-Leigh stood next to me and got the ball. "Better next time baby" she said.
End of Johnny's pov.

Back to Jay-Leigh's pov:
I got the ball from Johnny. "Better next time Baby" i said. Johnny smiled and ran up to me and tackled me. I was laughing. I tried to get him off of me but it didn't really work. Eventually he stopped. I tried to catch my breath.


The sun was starting to go away and the boys were talking. I looked into the bushes and saw a familiar person. Daniel. God what is he doing here. I rolled my eyes till he walked up to me. "I wanna talk to you." He said. "Talk to yourself" i said.

The boys haven't noticed Daniel was with me. "Talk to me!" He said a little louder. "Fine talk. 5 minutes" i said. He looked at me. "Times ticking" i said. He wanted to speak up.  "hey LaRusso what u doing here??" Dutch said noticing us. "I was talking to her" he said. "No ur not, times still ticking and i never heard u talk. Now hurry up I don't want to waste my time!" I said louder.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from the boys. "You're mine." He said. I yanked my hand away and gave him a jab punch. "You don't own me" i said. He stood up and looked at me.

I heard sighing behind me. "Oi LaRusso. What a peptalk." Tommy laughed. Daniel looked at me up and down. He smirked.

A/n: i'm sorry this is a short one! I'm on a road trip right now so I won't be writing anything since i'm getting sick in the car when i'm using my phone. But i hope u guys like this bc when i'm back home I'm obviously starting to wright again. See ya'll.

Xx Rivianty (my real name)

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