You bitch!

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We all decided to go to Golf 'n stuff. Johnny called the boys and they agreed to go there. Me And Bobby hop in Johnny's car. We jam some music and sing our lungs out. We listen to 'you're the inspiration' by chicago.

We arrive. We see the boys waiting on they're motorbikes. We greet each other. I am about to pay for myself "no lemme pay for you.. please. We used you're water at you're house and that's money too so let me pay for it." Johnny said. I smiled and let him.

We are already at number 23 which is almost the last one. "Let's go to the arcade after this" Tommy said putting his hand up. "Hell yes" Johnny said.

We all finish golfing and go to the arcade. First thing i see is the Photo booth. "Hey guys! Let's take a few photos at the photo booth." I said pointing to the photo booth. They all smiled and followed me. I opened up the curtains and i sit on the bench. Johnny next to me and Tommy next to Johnny. Dutch Jimmy and Bobby sit on the ground. First picture is a normal smile, second picture is me and Johnny looking at each other and smile. And the last one is us all making a funny face.

We play a few games until we see Ali and Daniel together. I rolled my eyes as i see Ali and Daniel walking up to me. "Ey Jayleigh how you doin'?" Daniel said. I rolled my eyes "please just shut up. Ok. You don't have to talk to me. Not after what you did." I said. "Don't talk to him like that" Ali said. The boys backed up knowing what's about to happen. "Oh so now ur hanging with my ex? I thought you said that he was the biggest jerk on earth?" I said looking at Ali. "I changed my mind." Ali said. I clench my fists and so does Ali. "I see you're hanging with MY ex?" Ali asked with a face of annoyance. "After you broke the code i can do whatever i can." I said clenching my fists more.

She runs up to me but i ditch and let her fall. (Just what Johnny did to Daniel on the beach) the guys cheer. Ali stands up with a red cheek. She runs up to me again and i do the same thing i did. "You bitch!" I punch her causing her to fall back. She grabs my hair. "That's so fucking gay you know?" I said. I punch her in the ribs so she lets go. She falls to the ground groaning in pain. Tommy walks up to me trying to hold me back. "Fuck off let me finish!" I said getting out of his grip. "You fucked up Ali." I heard someone say not knowing who. I punch her a few times in her face and stomach. "Don't you ever fuck everything up again" i said giving her last punch. Someone holds me back. I look up seeing it's Daniel. "EWW let go off me!!" I yelled trying to get out of his strong grip. Johnny walks up to us and punches Daniel in the face. "Are you deaf LaRusso?!" Johnny yelled. He quickly lets go. I hear some footsteps running my way. I turn around to see Ali running up to me. I ditch as fast as i can. She falls forward. "Ah! How's that possible?!" Ali yelled. I just smirk. "You aren't done are you?" I asked. "No!" Ali said. I make my hair in a bun so she can't grab any of it. "Alright then." I said clenching my fists. "Brace yourself." I said. She starts to scream and run up to me causing me to laugh and ditch. "What the fuck was that?" I asked laughing. "UGH WE'RE NOT DONE!" Ali said walking off with Daniel.

I roll my eyes and click my tongue. I also walk away hearing footsteps behind me. "I think Ali really fucked up" i heard someone whispering into someone's ear. "She did really fuck everything up." I said turning around seeing all the guys. "Well which dojo do you go to? What's the name of it?" Johnny asked. "Oh i go to Eagle Fang Karate." I said. "Eagle Fang Karate?!" Dutch whisper yells. "That's the most dangerous Karate dojo in California!" Jimmy then said. "Yeah? That's why i got on Eagle Fang Karate." I said crossing my arms. They all look at each other in shock. I look at them. "Who warms them up? Like i do with Cobra kai?" Johnny asked. "Oh that's me." I said.

"WHAT?" They all yelled out loud. "Wow geez it's not even a big deal. You guys should come and see how it is." I said. "Since you guys are so s... shocked" i said while looking at they're shocked faces. "YES YES WE'D LOVE TO!" Bobby said. "Ok ok fine. I can show you where it is. I have the keys" i said showing them the keys. They all jump and rush to the car while i just walk to the car. "Guys chill out!" I said laughing. I get in the car. "Wait! Lemme drive you don't know where to go" i said. Johnny needed to think for a second. "Sure" he then said. We switch seats and i drive to the Eagle Fang place. We drive for 20 minutes and all i hear is the boys talking about Eagle Fang Karate. I just listen and drive.

As we arrive they all get out of the car. "Guys if i open the door don't you ever touch anything!" I said pulling out the keys. I open the door and we all walk in. "I'll do the lights stay here and remember DON'T touch anything." I say while i walk to the light switch. I put on the lights. "Wowww" they all said. I smiled and see them all stand in a row. "You guys want to have a little lesson?" I asked. "YES" they all said so i did.

I gave them a little lesson and after that they were red as hell. "Woww guys- never had this lesson before?" I asked them giggling. "No- not this, our lessons are much more easier- this is difficult" Jimmy said out of breath. I rolled my eyes. "Ready to go home?" I asked. They all nodded yes.

When we're in Johnny's car he sits in the passenger seat. "You really want me to drive?.. again?" I asked. "Yeah ofcourse. Then I don't need to move my arms for a while after the lesson. They are tired as fuck." Johnny said. I chuckled and started the car and started to drive home.

I bring all the boys to they're bikes back at gold 'n stuff and let Johnny drive me home. I get out of the car "thanks for letting me hang out with you guys. I would love to do it again some time" i smiled and walked away. "Wait Jayleigh" Johnny then said. "Yeah?" I turned around. "Can you maybe give us a lesson more often?" He asked. "Of course, anytime. But remember we have three trial lessons. This lesson doesn't count, but after the three trial lessons you guys will have to pay for the lesson.." i said smiling a bit. "Will do!" Johnny said. "Wait really?" I asked shocked. "Yes of course" Johnny then said. "Well see you tomorrow at 7pm at my house and we'll go together" i said walking backwards. "I'll be there" Johnny said smiling.

Hey! So this chapter kinda gives me pick me vibes.. but i'll change that i promise! Just to let you guys know. I know it's taking long for Jayleigh and Johnny to fall in love, but I don't want to take everything very quick. That'll kinda ruin everything. I want this to be a real real story. I know this story will not get any views. But yeah i'm doing this for fun!
Just wait till the next chapter:)

Words: 1353

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