He's so little

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Sunday 5 February 1984.

Me and Johnny went home and saw that the boys cleaned my house a bit. They were still sleeping. Johnny grabbed Robby's little carseat and went inside. Little Robby was still sleeping in his carseat so we let him in there. When i looked at Johnny i hugged him and so did he.

That was the moment I realized were parents now.. little Robby woke up and started crying. I walked up to him and grabbed him. Johnny also walked up to us and hugged me from behind looking down at Robby.

"I heard crying!" I heard someone say on top of the stairs. We look up to see the guys standing there smiling. "Well, i see you're back" Bobby said smiling running down the stairs like a toddler. I laughed.

They all greeted the little one and i gave Jimmy Robby. Jimmy was the only one who didn't hold him yesterday. "He's so little" he said.

"Indeed" Johnny said. I grabbed the suitcases and brought it upstairs. "Jay-Leigh you can't do that alone right now!" I heard Johnny yell from downstairs. "Yes i can!" I said.

When i arrived to my room I unpacked.
The boys were walking up the stairs holding Robby. I lied down on my back looking at ceiling. "A woman is tired there" i heard Bobby said. "Indeed. I pushed a whole baby out of my vagina! That hurts like hell" i said. "It did look like it" Johnny said. "You watched?!" Dutch whisper yelled.

"Duhh. It's my girlfriend giving birth of my child. I wouldn't miss it once" he said. "I can't believe you guys had sex for the first time and got pregnant right away" Tommy said. "Yeah guess who's fault it is" i said looking at Johnny.
"I'm sorry i forgot! I don't know what u did to me" he said.

"Wear it next time" i said winking. Jimmy lied Robby down on the bed. Little Robby was laying next to me. He looks soooooo much like Johnny and i love that. "He's sleeping just like you" i said to Johnny.

"And when he's old enough. Eagle Fang Karate it is." I said. "I'm thinking of quitting Cobra Kai.." they all said in sync. I looked at them. "Why?" I asked.

"We wanna Join Eagle Fang Karate" dutch said. I smiled. "I feel really bad for my students tho.. i called them off for more then 8 months" i said looking down. "Don't worry.. You'll be ready in a few weeks" Johnny said.

I smiled.


(A/n: i'm skipping a lot rn since Jay-Leigh can't go to school.)

A few weeks later Jay-Leigh decides to take Robby to school with her:

When Jay-Leigh arrives at school she grabs Robby who is now 6 weeks. He got bigger. He's still in his little carseat. People whispering around. Made me a little irritated.

I found the guys standing at they're bikes. Dutch was the first to notice me. "Hey look who we have there holding a baby carseat!" He yelled so people could hear. I saw Johnny turn around with the biggest smile possible. I heard people whispering around 'is that Johnny's child?!' I just smirked at they're confusion.

Johnny kissed me and grabbed Robby out the carseat. People gasping out loud made me smirk even more. The guys smirked at them.

Girls started to walk up to us. "Hey Johnny is that ur child? Does it need a stepmom?" The girl laughed. "Shut the fuck up and leave before i strangle you" i said. The girls looked at me and left.

"Oh after a long time." I said smiling. I saw Ali and Daniel walking past us looking at Johnny holding Robby. He had Johnny's eyes. He had Dark brown hair. My hair color. Loved it so much on him.

After class we had gym. Soccer it is. We lied Robby in his carseat next to a bench next to the tiny field where we played soccer. In my team were Bobby, Jimmy and Johnny. And Dutch and Tommy were in the opponent's team.

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