Wait here

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I wake up and see the boys still sleeping. Geez my head hurts like hell. I sit up seeing literally all of them asleep. I try to get up and something was laying on my lap. Johnny's arm.. did he cuddle with me?? Did we cuddle?!

Oh well.

I carefully shoved his arm off of me and walked to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. God what i good time to wake up before the boys did. I look like a mess. I grabbed a towel and my clothes. I took a ten minutes shower and got out of the bathroom fully clothed and with the towel on my head to dry my hair. (if ur a girl you probably know what i mean).

Bobby slowly wakes up. He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Morning" i said. "How late is it?" Bobby asked. "Chill u guys have enough time to get ready for school" I said smiling at him. "Wait u aren't going to school are you?" He asked. "Nope i'm suspended. For a literal day. I don't get why I don't get suspended for like two weeks." I said rolling my eyes.

I got out my make up bag and i got out my mirror.

Eventually all the boys wake up. "Do you guys want me to open the curtains?" I asked. "Nope keep them closed we're staying with you today" i heard Dutch say. I turned around with my mascara brush in my hand. "Staying with me?" I asked. "Yep we decided that when u fell asleep" He said. "I'm guessing Bobby also fell asleep? He didn't get the message, because he's getting ready in the bathroom rn" i said.

Johnny sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Morning" he said to all of us. "I'm ngl.. this bed is hella comfy" Jimmy said. "We should all do this more often. I didn't have it cold for once" i said smiling. I see that Tommy was still asleep. 
I just let him sleep.

We all go downstairs and i made breakfast for them al. Pancakes, bacon, eggs (all kind) i grabbed cereals and other breakfast kind of foods.

They eat and i just don't. "Are you not hungry?" Johnny asked. "Nope i ate while making all of this" i said. "Any plans for today??" Dutch asked the boys and me. "Well i'm going to shop new clothes. I really need new outfits. What i'm wearing rn is getting mad old" i said. "Then i guess we're going shopping" Jimmy said stuffing his mouth with pancakes. I smiled.

(A/n: forgot to show u what we were wearing)

(A/n: forgot to show u what we were wearing)

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(A/n: switch the shoes with all stars. If u don't like it imagine something else:)

"Mami are you ready to go?" Dutch asked. "I'm ready i'm waiting for Tommy to hurry the Fuck UP!" I yelled to Tommy who's still putting his shoes on. "Yeah yeah let's go what are we waiting for??" Tommy said quickly standing up.

I noticed Johnny staring at me the whole time that i'm driving. I smiled at him making him look away and blush. I turned up the radio. "Wait turn the volume up!! This is my song!" Dutch said. I laughed and turned the volume up. He started singing and got a lot of voice cracks what made me chuckle the whole time. I looked at Johnny and he's somewhere else in mind.

Eventually.. (Johnny Lawrence x Jayleigh estaves) Where stories live. Discover now