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I used to wake up on my own. But this time the guys woke me up. "WAKE UP U SLEEPY HEAD!" Tommy yelled and the boys jumped on the bed like little toddlers. "Jesus" i said opening my eyes. I looked at the clock and it was 7am on a dot. I groaned and rolled over. "This girl" i heard Bobby say. I rolled over again. "Shut up. There was a big baby sleeping on my breasts" i said making all the guys look at Johnny. I chuckled and stood up. But it was to quick so i stumbled. "Wow-" Johnny said picking me up.

"Are you ok?" Johnny asked. "Yep it's just that my iron is low.." i said. They all looked at me. "We'll make u food while u get ready." Dutch said walking downstairs to the kitchen. All the boys followed except Johnny. "Ur neck is purple from yesterday baby" Johnny said. I looked at him. "I know.." i said. My waist was slowly getting better. "Ur nose is just as good as what it was before" Johnny said smiling and hugging me. "I hate my nose" i said. "Nope no negativity to yourself say sorry to ur nose" Johnny said. "Sorry" i said giggling.


I showered and did some light make up. I didn't cover up my neck. I didn't feel as much pain in my waist then it used to be. I could do cheerleading again. "Finally" i said. "I can finally move my waist and walk normally" i said. They all clapped in they're hands. "Now eat bc ur iron is low just like u said a few minutes ago." Dutch said. I listened and grabbed a sandwich that he made. "This is good what did u put in it?" I asked. "I name it the Dutchwich" Dutch said. I laughed. "It's ur recipe? It should be a secret" i said. "It is a secret" he said. "Well ok!" I said.


We all went in my car and i let Johnny drive again. He lied his hand on my thigh. I smiled and accepted it. We sang a lot in the car and Tommy had a lot of voice cracks. And so did Bobby. We all laughed our way to school.

When we arrive Johnny gives me the keys and holds my hand. I saw Ali with a bruised face. And Daniel who was furious. We went to get our schedules for the day.

"I only have three classes today yes!" I said jumping up and down. "Oh yeah? What classes?" Johnny asked smiling. "Science, Math and Gym" i said. "Oooo i have Gym too." Johnny said and so did the others. We all had Gym at the same time. "I have Science with Dutch." I said. "And i have Math with Bobby" i added. "And i have Gym with all of u" i said. Johnny looked happy. The bell rang. "Oop i have science see you guys" i said giving Johnny a quick peck on the lips. Me and Dutch walked into the classroom and sat next to each other.
We laughed literally the whole time and we almost got kicked out.

After Science we all meeted at the lockers.  I walked with Dutch to the lockers and saw the others there. "Hey" i said. "Hello i missed you" Johnny said kissing me right away. I giggled "i missed you too, me and Dutch almost got kicked out though" i said. "Yep. Jay-Leigh argued with Mr. Smith. She entertained the whole class for almost an hour. It was all my fault though thanks for arguing with the teacher for me" Dutch said High-fiving me. "No problem" i said smiling. 

I heard people say that Math dropped out. "Wait did i hear that right?? Math dropped out?" I said happy. I looked at Bobby and we were both very happy.


At lunch i got an apple and the others had the same. Just as always we fucked around and did nothing else. We laughed our asses out.

"Remember when Bobby flirted with that girl but she was totally not interested in Bobby, and slapped him in the face because he wanted to kiss her?!" Tommy said laughing his ass off. We all laughed at it even Bobby did. "I f-feel sorry for Bobby" i said trying to catch my breath.  And by that that the bell rang. We all looked at each other and laughed again. "Sorry our humor is broken ASF" i yelled to people making the others laugh even more. Jimmy was as red as an potato and so was Johnny.

Eventually.. (Johnny Lawrence x Jayleigh estaves) Where stories live. Discover now