Don't even think of it worm.

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I woke up surprisingly the first one who did. I looked at the clock it was.. 5AM?! No wonder why i woke up at first. I tried to sleep again. And i did.

I woke up again and saw that it's six thirty. Nice. I got up and took a shower. I believe that the boys have Karate today. I start to dry myself off and put my clothes on.

I woke the guys up

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I woke the guys up. Jimmy was already up but didn't want to get out of bed.

The boys all woke up and started to sit up. "Morning" i said putting my light make up on. They all said the same and i saw Johnny staring at my outfit. I smiled and walked up to him. I kissed him on the lips real quick.


"Tommy hurry up!" Johnny yelled. "Yeah yeah i'm almost done!" He said rushing downstairs and putting his shoes on. I laughed.

We got in the car and i let Johnny drive. We jammed some music and laughed on our way to school. As 'you're the best' started to play we arrived at school. I felt some eyes on me.

I looked at the entrance of the school and saw almost the whole school standing there. I looked confused. I looked at the guys and got out of the car. So did the others. We all walked into the school and i saw posters of my name on the wall.


"Jay-Leigh is a slut! She probably banging all the cobra kais!"

"Jay-Leigh should die!"

"She's a whore! A slut!"

"She acts like the school is hers"

I immediately knew who it was. I laughed. I walked to Ali and her gang. The boys stood behind me. "Spreading lies about me aren't you?" I said. "Awh.. are you mad i did that?" She said laughing. I started to laugh. "U think i'm mad? I think i'm special to you. *scoffs* why won't i be? U keep my name in you're mouth. Everyday. U won't stop talking about me." I said.

"Ur not special to me-" she said. "Oh yeah? Why won't u just leave me alone then?" I said raising an eyebrow. She stayed quiet. "Mhm. I'm waiting." I said. She still stayed quiet. I scoffed and so did the boys. Johnny lied his arm around me and walked away with me to the posters.

The boys took the posters down and ripped it. They all scrunched it up and threw it in Ali and her friends face. The guys laughed as the girls rolled they're eyes.

I looked at my schedule for the day.

History: 10.00-11.00
Science: 11.00-12.00
Gym: 13.00-14.00

Gym: New soccer and Cheerleading tryouts!

"Ugh i have History" Jimmy said sighing. "Hey i have it too" i said. Jimmy became more happy.

Eventually.. (Johnny Lawrence x Jayleigh estaves) Where stories live. Discover now