I'm coming for you bitch!

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The next morning i wake up at six thirty and get ready for school. I put on black ripped high waist jeans with a white crop top.


I get in my car and start to drive to school. I jam some music and sing a long. I arrive at school with the VERYY loud music on causing people to look at me. I get out of my car and walk into the school. I see Johnny and the boys waiting at my locker. "Finally!" Tommy said turning around and starts to lean on the lockers. "What?" I asked. I open my locker and lay everything in there. I turn around to see Ali standing there with a black eye and a big bruise on her chin. I laugh and she just rolls her eyes. I walk to the vending machine and get a bag of cookies out of it. Someone taps on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked turning around putting a cookie in my mouth. I see Ali standing there. I sigh "what do you want now?" I asked her. "I want you to be less more bad ass. And change you're attitude " Ali said. "Am i bad ass? I wasn't even trying to be. Then i guess that this is what i am. And I can't change that sorry barbie" i said walking away. I turn around again "plus, you can't control what i do. About my 'attitude' it's just who i am. So please just shut up. I'm not a miss perfect like you. You really need to find Ken sometime. See ya Barbie" i said turning around again and eating my cookie. I sit on a bench. Next to my locker. She walks up to me again.

"Jesus christ! You can't have enough from me can you?" I asked putting a cookie in my mouth after. She throws water on me. "Oh hell no!" I yelled and stand up. I give a her a arm punch on her neck and she starts to cough. I grab her hair (and does the same thing that Daniel did to Chozen) .

My eyes start to hurt real bad but i ignore and everything turns black and from now on idk what i'm doing to her. I let go off her and give her a side kick. I put my hair up and give her a knee strike multiple times. End everything came to an end. And the last kick i gave was a axe kick.

And there she lays. On the floor blood over her face. Turned into a ball.

I get dragged away. I look up seeing the principal. "Jesus let me go!" I get out of his grip. He looks at me and walks up to me and yells "YOU ARE A CRAZY LITTLE BITCH YOU KNOW THAT?! NO WONDER YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS".

Eww.. his breath stank.

I laugh. "Mr. Wise.. you don't know me." I said.
I see Johnny and the guys walking up behind the principal. "You're SUSPENDED!" He yells in my ear. "Oh yeah. Thanks no more Ali for me then. Or better no more stanky ass Coffee breath in my face." I said walking away and grab my things out of my locker with people staring at me. "What?" I asked and walked away. I get in my car and i hear people getting into my car. "Get the fuck out of my ca-" i turned around and see Bobby, Tommy, Dutch and Jimmy sitting on the back seats and Johnny next to me. "U guys know what I'm thinking?" I asked. They all nodded no. "You guys wanted a Eagle Fang Karate lesson. So now let's go" i said starting the car. They all yell of happiness. "LESS GOOO" i heard Tommy yell. "But remember. It'll not be easy." I said smirking and start to drive.


"Eagle Fang Karate is not self-defense. And it's not like Cobra Kai either. Eagle Fang is ALSO No mercy, but what you need to hold on to is to keep yourself in control. And then what i had done with Ali is not a good example. But she asked for it. And when people ask to show you what you can do. You should do what you have learned and not just do what you have not learned. Like kicking everywhere and nowhere. But remember if you're opponent is already on the ground with blood, swollen eyes or with a broken arm. Stop right away. And if you don't you should quit Eagle Fang Karate. Then you proved that you can't control yourself. So do you're best with training." I said walking left and right facing the boys one by one.

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