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Still Tuesday.

I looked at the test. And so did the guys. We all slam our hands on our mouths. I looked at Johnny who was shocked. I walked around shocked and eventually i feel arms around me. "It's positive omg.." Jimmy said. "But i'm.. seventeen" i said. "Are we to young for this?..." i asked. I looked at Johnny who was walking up to me.

"We are.. but you keep the baby and i'll be there for you.." he said. I sigh of relief. "I was scared that you would leave me" i said. The boys were still shocked. "That's why i'm a little nauseous" i said. "Oh god we need to deal with a puking girl any moment" Dutch said.

"How do i tell my mom?!" I said with tears. I had my head on my hands. "If she doesn't care about me right now. You should check with a baby in my tummy" i said. I started to panic a bit.


I stood by the phone and i wondered what i would tell my mom. When finally something came up to my mind..

Over the phone:
"Mom??" I said in a hurry. "Yes?" She asked not really interested. "Uhm.. i need to tell you something" i said looking down. "Mhm" she said. "Look if you don't want me to tell you what i wanted to tell you then that's ok too!" I kinda yelled.
And then she hung up on me.

I gave the phone on the wall a punch and threw it across the living room. My anger issues grew bigger. I looked at the guys who backed up from the couch.

I walked away and went for a walk. I heard Johnny's footsteps. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. I cried in his chest and never stopped. "My parents don't love me.." i sobbed. "They do.. they just haven't realized it yet" he said.


I went back to see the boys talking. I went to sit next to Bobby and i lied my head on his shoulder. I looked at Johnny if he was ok with it. He nodded yes in trust. Bobby talked about things and so did the others. I just stayed quiet. I fell tears rolling down my cheeks. And Bobby felt warm water falling on his shoulder i sat up. "I'm sorry" i said wiping the tears. "It's alright" he said rubbing my back.

"I need to take a small nap" i said getting up from the couch. I walked to my room and i layed on the bed. I grabbed the blankets and fell asleep.

Nine months later:
I go to school one time in a week. My parents still didn't get back. Ali has left me alone as she saw i was pregnant from Johnny. Daniel also left me alone which surprised me. "J-Johnny!" I said. He came running up the room. "Yes??" He said worried. He looked at the ground to see that my water broke. "Oh shit!" He said. I had my contractions. The guys were at home for two days. They never left my side.

They're parents also needed some love of them. And since Bobby's sisters loved him so much. They once got to my house to buy him everything he likes.

I saw Johnny packing some clothes and things that him and i needed. He grabbed the suitcases and went downstairs to get them in the car. And when he came upstairs again. He grabbed my hand and slowly walked to the stairs. "Johnny i can't.. it hurts so much.." i said. He didn't think about one thing. And he carried me in bridal style into the car.


At the hospital the doctors took me to a delivery room. Johnny called the guys that i was in labor. And after that he came into the delivery room. "Only the boyfriend or husband are aloud in here." The doctor said. "I'm her boyfriend!" He said quick. The doctor let him in.

He held my hand as i was told to push. I pushed loads of times. And the fifth time. The baby came out.

The baby cried and cried. And the doctors gave me the baby. It was a boy. He looked so much like Johnny.. but he had my hair color. Johnny smiled and stroke my hair. "So? What's his name?" The doctor asked smiling. Me and Johnny looked at each other.

We talked about names and the name was "Robby" Johnny said. I smiled.

As the doctor took me to another room the baby had to be cleaned. "You did it!" Johnny said smiling and kissing my forehead. I smiled.

And the boys came into the room seeing that my tummy is flatter but still seemed to be round. "Where is the baby?" Jimmy asked. "Doctors are cleaning him up" i said smiling. "It's a boy! I knew it!" Tommy and Dutch said clapping they're hands.

The doctor came in. "Oh u have some company" she smiled giving me the baby. The boys came closer to me and looked at the baby. "He looks like Johnny" Bobby said. "What's his name?" Tommy asked. "Robby" Johnny said smiling.

The boys all had the baby in they're arms. He was so little.. the baby was sleeping. Me and the boys looked at each other and laughed. "I do know from now on Ali is going to leave me alone" i said. "And i'm going to learn Robby Eagle Fang Karate. When he's older" i said. Johnny was looking at me. And i smiled at him.


Johnny and i stayed the night at the hospital and the boys came to my house to guard it.

And the little one was born in February 4 1984.

A/n: hey! I'm sorry this is a short one.. but i hope you guys like it since they got a baby. Robby's real birthday is on February 4 2002.. but it's Karate kid 1984. So i decided to change everything. And of course there is drama waiting for us. The drama won't last long though! See ya'll at the next chapter;)

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