Robby said a bad word!!

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I was at school with Johnny and the guys getting a call that Robby said a bad word and beat the shit out of kids. Johnny was in History and i needed to get him. We needed to go to Robby's kindergarten to talk to his teacher.

I knocked on Johnny's classroom. "Come in!" I heard the History teacher say. I walked into the class in a rush making Johnny look worried. "Johnny. It's Robby we need to go" i said.

"Wait a minute! Mr. Lawrence can't leave in mid class!" The teacher said. "I'm sorry but if something happened to you're kid. Would you leave mid class?" I asked. "Yes, but that's different!" She said.

"It's not. You're a parent, me and Johnny are parents. It's the same. You have a kid. We have a kid it's the same. No biggie." I said. Johnny grabbed his stuff and rushed out of the class with me.

"So what was it?" Johnny asked. "Robby's teacher called me saying he said bad words and he beat the shit out of kids." I said. "It's our kid. And it's proved now he's like us!!" Johnny said proud making my chuckle. "Alright let's go." I said.

Johnny drove to the kindergarten and we got into the school. We knocked on his classroom door. "Ah. Mr and Mrs Lawrence. U finally arrived" Robby's teacher said. I looked at Johnny.

"Mr and Mrs Lawrence" Johnny smirked. I smirked back. "Ok can we talk?" The teacher asked. We both nodded.


"You're child said bad bad words." The teacher said. "Like what?" I asked. "Dickhead, pussycat, go fuck you're mom. Words like that." The teacher said. Me and Johnny needed to hold our laugh for a minute.

"Oh. Right. We need to ground him." Johnny said sarcastically. "Yeah we really need to.." i said sarcastic as well. "This isn't a joke! How old are you guys?" The teacher asked.

"18 and 17" Johnny said. "That explains a lot" the teacher mutters. "Excuse me? Just because i'm a  minor doesn't mean that i learn Robby all of this- and Johnny is a minor too. It doesn't mean we are bad influence" i said.

"Mostly you two are. You guys still have school and you guys think of having a child?" The teacher said.

"Excuse you? Who do you think you are? We'll make our own decisions." Johnny said. "I beg you're pardon? You're talking to an adult here!" She said.

"Yeah that doesn't mean the 'adult' can make decisions for minors. We're not even blood related and you still get you're nose into our business!" I said.

"Alright that's enough! Get out! And leave Robby here!" She said. "Not a chance. We are taking him with us. And if you ever come near Robby again. You'll see what happen." I said standing up.

I walked to Robby and grabbed him. "Come on Robs." I said. "Where are we going mommy?" He asked.

"We're getting you ice cream!" I said. "Yay!!" Robby said happy.

When we left i sat Bobby into his carseat and we drove to a ice cream place. We got Robby a smurf ice cream with cotton candy ice cream.

Me and Johnny both had a strawberry milkshake. Robby's face was full of blue ice cream. I got out my tissues and cleaned his face.

"Mama? Why are you sitting on dads lap?" Robby asked. "You want to sit on daddy's lap?" I asked. Johnny chuckled. Robby nodded negatively. "No, i'm a big boy!" Robby smiled.

"That's my boy" Johnny said. Me and Johnny look at each other and give each other a quick peck on the lips. "Ew" Robby said putting ice cream in his mouth.

Me and Johnny laugh.

When we went home the guys would be home in an hour. "Robby come on we're taking a shower real quick" i said.

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