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Me and Johnny fell asleep doing nothing.


*clock rings*

I flinch and wake up with Johnny sleeping next to me. God he's so hot.. anyway UHM.

"Johnny wake up we have to go to school" i said. "W-what?" He asked in a raspy deep voice. "We have to go to school.." i said. He sighs "fine".

We get ready and see on the clock that it's already eight thirty. "Oh shit- Johnny!!" I yelled to Johnny who's brushing his teeth in the bathroom. "Yeah??" He yelled back from the bathroom. "We're getting late hurry!!" I yelled putting my dirty all stars on. Btw my outfit is a white high waisted jeans with rips and a white crop top with STFU on it.

Johnny comes down and his hair is messy. Wow. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Ready" i said. We get out of my house and we get into my  car. The ride was quite quiet we didn't really talk.

As we arrived me and Johnny stayed in the car for a bit and I finally spoke up. "I hope Ali's not gonna be a bitch today." I said rolling my eyes. "Oh believe me she is going to be that. Look in front of you" he said looking at me. I look in front of me seeing her, Susan and Barbara glaring at me. I just waved and fake smiled and rolled my eyes after. "Ok let's go this is going to be fun." I said smirking at Johnny who knows what's going to happen.


At lunch i was sitting with the guys laughing, eating, fuck around. It was fun till Ali came up to us. "I know what you're doing." She said out of nowhere. My face had an confusing expression. "Wtf are you talking about?" I asked. "U know damn well." She said walking closer. I clenched my jaw. "Bro- can you back up?" I asked her annoyed. "Are you scared of me or something??" She laughed. I looked at her and then at the boys and raised my eyebrows. I sigh and stand up from my seat. I clenched my fist which the boys saw. "Wow wow keep in control" Bobby said. "I am in control. But not for this bitch." I said walking closer to her. "You can't finish what you started." I said smirking at her which was making her red. I heard her swallowing her spit. I cracked my neck and knuckles. People started to look at us. "I tried to stay calm, but you just had to push it." I said clenching my fists again. The boys started to stand up very slow. I saw Ali also clenching her fists and she wanted to give the first one. She did and i ditched it and gave her a side kick making her fall back. I wanted to finish her but i felt people holding me back. I looked back, it wasn't Johnny or the boys. It was Daniel. "Get off of me!" I yelled giving him an elbow in the stomach. Johnny yanked him away.

Ali got up and punched me in the face real quick. I should say weak punch. I laughed at her action. "Oh she fucked up" I heard Jimmy say. I punch her in the face grab her hair and throw her across the cafeteria. 'Oh shit' i hear people say. There she was. Laying on the ground unconscious. I walked up to her and said "be glad i stopped by now. If you ever come near me again it will be worse then this" i walked to the boys and sit back down. They looked at me in shock. "What?" I asked. "Nothing it was impressive" Dutch said. I smiled "i could do it again but worse." I said changing my face expression with a angry look. "I think this is good for now" he said with a nervous smile.

Susan walks up to me. "Jesus what do you want?" I asked annoyed. "I want you to stay away from Ali." She said crossing her arms. "Isn't she the one who came up to me and annoy me? Isn't she the one who started this? And isn't she the one who can't stay away from me? She started all this. And I didn't so please shut the fuck up" i said clenching my jaw after. "You're a whore. A slut!" She said out if nowhere. I look at her. "Keep calm.." Johnny said. "Oh shut up!" I said while i stand up to face Susan. "Do you want something to happen with you just what i did with Ali?" I said clenching my fists. "No?" She said backing up. Now i'm walking towards her making people to stare at us again. "To bad" i said smirking and punching her in the jaw which was making her stumble and i kick her in the stomach what makes her fall back. "Got anything to say princess? Do you want more??" I asked irritated. She crawls away. "Mhm." I said walking back to the table grabbing my bag. I look at the boys and walk away. I put my sunglasses on and walk outside. I heard people gasping and i heard someone running behind me. That one is completely out of breath. I turn around seeing Ali grab a big ass stick. I laughed "did you not have enough princess?" I asked. She throws the stick at me. "Oh now you did just push my buttons down." I said throwing my bag on the floor and my sunglasses. She runs away and i am quite a fast runner, i jumped on her and punch her face multiple times.

Eventually.. (Johnny Lawrence x Jayleigh estaves) Where stories live. Discover now