Uhh what?

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I got up at six thirty and saw that the boys were asleep. I got ready and put

 I got ready and put

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This on^^

I look at the clock seeing it's 7am ready to wake up the guys. I walk upstairs and hear the boys talking. I open the door and they're all sitting up. "Morning sunshine" Johnny said. I smiled "morning did you guys sleep well?".

"I'm going to live here." Bobby said meaning he slept good. I smiled. "Well i'm going to school again." I rolled my eyes and went to my make up area. I grabbed my mirror and did my make up as usual. "You don't need make up Baby" Johnny said. "I will look.. like a troll without it" i said.

I turned around seeing them all stare at me. I rolled my eyes. Johnny stood up and hugged me. "I told them about us" he smiled. "Well thats great" i said smiling. I look at the clock 7:15am. "Guys get ready" i said.

They all stand up and go into the bathroom one by one. I wait for them in my room. Since i have my own bathroom and they're using it. Johnny went last. "Hey mami do you have any body lotion?" Dutch asked. "Yeah ofcourse its in my top drawer." I said smiling. I have loads of body lotions. "For what do you have this many??" Dutch asked. "For my body for what else?" I asked giggling.

Johnny came out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. My mouth dropped open. Bobby closed my mouth before i start to drool. "Almost drooling miss Estaves" Bobby said laughing. I rolled my eyes. "Do you have some body lotion?" Johnny asked. Dutch gave him a pot of body lotion. I looked at the time it was 7:55. "You guys are lucky. School is starting at 8:45" i said. "Do you have a hair brush?" Jimmy asked. I nodded yes. "Here" i gave him a hairbrush.


"Are you guys done??" I asked them all. "Yeah let's go" they all said. They all went running into my car and i just walked to my car. "Why you guys rushing?" I asked laughing. They all just stared at me. "That's the most powerful walk i've ever seen" Tommy said. "Get it mami!!" Dutch yelled. I rolled my eyes and went into the car. I gave Jimmy an handshake before getting into the car. I started the car and started the music.

When i drove i saw Johnny sad again. I grabbed his hand and hold it. I saw him smile and happy again. I think i'm not giving enough attention to him..


We all got out of the car. I grabbed Johnny's hand and start to walk inside the school. I saw him smile the whole time. I saw girls looking at me.

He did it.. he kissed me in front of the whole school. I can't be any happier then i am rn..
i looked back at the boys who are talking with each other. I walked to my locker who is near Johnny's. I opened my locker and BOOM. My whole face is full with paint. Red paint. I looked down my body and it got into my eye. I looked at Johnny who was furious. "Who the FUCK DID IT?!" Johnny yelled. The guys stood by my side. They all looked at me. I saw Ali smirking at me. "You BITCH!" I yelled walking up to her. She backed up. I bet she forgot what i can do. I took of my vest and threw it on the floor. I cracked my neck once again. "You're gonna regret this." I said. Her friends started to walk up to me and attack me. First one to touch me was Susan. I tackled her and gave her a punch in the ribs. Second one to touch me was Barbara. I gave her a roundhouse kick which made her fall down. Her last friend ran to me and jump on me. I ditched and let her trip. I stomped on her stomach. I looked at Ali who dropped her books. "U weren't a pussy when you did this. Now don't be a pussy and fight me" i said with anger in my voice. She just stood there and i walked up to her. She clenched her fists and tried to punch me in the ribs. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it. I twirled her around and kicked her in the stomach. She tried to roll away. And i gave her this kick that made her fall back and groan. I felt two cold hands on my arms holding me back.

Eventually.. (Johnny Lawrence x Jayleigh estaves) Where stories live. Discover now