Chapter 1

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On the morning after the battle on the rooftop, Kai sat at the edge of his bed, twiddling his fingers anxiously. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to think. After Lloyd had nearly killed him as the green ninja knocked him off the roof that night, the fear hadn't left his mind. He remembered how he had strangled his brother just as Lloyd had strangled him so long ago and guilt weighed on his shoulders. All the night before he had tried to explain himself, but no one seemed to believe him. The anger inside of him had grown with every person that turned him away, and with all those mixed feelings, he was left utterly bewildered.

He jumped as he heard a knock at his door.

"Kai?" came Nya's voice.

Kai gritted his teeth, not bothering to turn around. "Go away!" he snarled back.

"Kai, we have to talk." That was Wu's voice.

Kai felt fury rise inside of him. "I'm not talking to anyone until someone believes me!" he shouted back.

"But how can we believe you if you don't tell us what happened?" Nya asked.

Kai went silent. It was true. He hadn't really tried to tell the others exactly what had happened because he was too busy denying that he wanted to murder Lloyd, which, of course, he didn't. He hadn't tried to kill him, or, at least, didn't mean to try. Lloyd had just gotten him so angry, and he was blinded by so much fury that he couldn't stop himself. It was too late to go back now, though, because from Garmadon's point of view when he found the rooftop battle, it seemed like Kai had started it. And now he's probably told everyone what a traitor I am, he thought miserably.

Shifting his feet, Kai hesitated for a moment before rising and walking over to his door. What else am I supposed to do? he wondered.

Wu looked up as the door creaked open slightly and Kai peered out. He spotted a deep fear in the red ninja's eyes as he gazed at the two in front of him. "We just want to know what happened," the sensei murmured gently.

Kai drew in a shaky breath. "The truth?"

"The truth," Nya stated.

* * *

Garmadon sat at the breakfast table, stabbing at his food furiously while tugging at his hair. Jay and Zane, being the only other ones at the table, shifted uneasily as they watched the sensei. They had heard what had happened last night on the rooftop, and they, too, didn't know what to think of it. Garmadon surely wasn't taking it well, as they could see, and they could guess it was from the sight of his very son being strangled by someone he trusted—someone he loved.

When Jay couldn't handle the tense silence any longer, he rose to his feet. "I'm gonna go see if Cole's coming," he announced, although Zane was the only one who heard him.

Taking a deep breath, he turned and walked up the stairs. He headed down the hall, a bit tense when he passed Kai's room. He didn't know who was in the wrong... but one thing was for sure. Kai would've killed Lloyd if Garmadon hadn't shown up. Shaking his head as he reached Cole's door, Jay opened it and peered inside. "Cole?"

Cole was lying on his back on his bed, staring at the ceiling with unblinking eyes.

"You awake?" Jay asked as he stepped into the room.

There was no reply.

Jay walked over to the black ninja, gazing down at him. "You coming down for breakfast?" he pushed.

Again, no reply.

"The others could use some cheering up," Jay coaxed, beginning to get concerned.

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now