Chapter 15

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Kai rushed down the hall, gaze sweeping his surroundings. He had to find Zane. He turned a few more corners, then did. "Zane!" he called, racing over to the white ninja.

Zane turned around as Kai skidded to a halt in front of him. "Kai," he greeted somewhat warily. Unease glittered in his gaze.

Kai winced. "Look, Zane," he began again, "I came here to warn you."

"Warn me?" Zane raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"It's Lloyd," Kai said. "He's planning something, and he's coming for you next."

Zane's eyes rounded. "Why are you telling me this?" he questioned. "I don't think your new 'leader' would appreciate you going behind his back."

"Zane, you don't understand," Kai went on desperately. "I'm not on Lloyd's side!"

"But you—"

"I'm on your side," Kai interrupted him. "Listen, the reason I'm hanging around Lloyd is for information. We all know Lloyd's plotting behind our backs. And me and Jay are only pretending to follow Lloyd to get the insides of the scheme."

Zane blinked.

Kai tensed and glanced over his shoulder. "Don't tell him I said that," he muttered.

Zane scratched his head. "Well, I... guess that makes sense," he stammered.

Kai nodded. "Just be on your guard, okay?"

"I will, thanks," Zane breathed. "And Kai?" He stared at the red ninja with concern. "Be careful, alright?" he told him. "Playing games with Lloyd can get dangerous."

"Don't worry about me," Kai replied. "This is something I have to do."

Zane seemed to accept his answer and continued down the hall. Kai took a breath and watched him go. When the white ninja was gone, he bit his lip, tapping his fingers against his leg. Then, shrugging, he whipped around and went on his way.

* * *

Lloyd glanced around as he headed down the hall, wondering where everyone was. Hmm... he thought, furrowing his eyebrows. Seems pretty empty up here.

Just then, footsteps echoed through the silent halls, and Lloyd looked up as Zane headed over to him.

"Lloyd," the white ninja exclaimed as he reached him. "There you are. The others are waiting."

"Waiting... Right..." Lloyd screwed up his face as he tried to remember what was going on that day. He remembered Wu telling them something at breakfast, but he had been barely paying attention. His thoughts had been locked on Ariana, and where the two of them would be going soon.

"Don't you remember?" Zane's voice broke his thoughts.

Lloyd hesitated, and Zane let out a sigh. "The recent snowstorm killed off half the crops in Jamanakai Village," the white ninja reminded him. "Sensei wanted us to deliver food to the villagers there?"

Lloyd blinked. "Oh—right," he muttered, trying not to let his disgust show. Great, he thought sarcastically. A whole day wasted up in the snow for what? A few morsels of bread? Can't people take care of themselves?

Zane shook his head and continued down the hall, sweeping down the stairs. Lloyd suppressed a frustrated groan and hurried after him.

Near the front door, Kai, Jay, Cole, Nya, and Wu were waiting for the last two. Wu looked over the ninja as Lloyd and Zane joined them and gave them instructions, but once again, Lloyd's thoughts were elsewhere. The green ninja's gaze drifted over to Cole, who held back a pace from the others. He's coming? Lloyd thought to himself. He can barely stand on his own two feet, let alone trek through the snow. But as he inspected the black ninja, Lloyd couldn't help but feel impressed. Cole was standing tall, his eyes blank in spite of any sort of fear he was feeling. He really seemed to be trying. Well, that's new, Lloyd mused. I didn't think he'd have the courage to get out of his bedroom.

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now