Chapter 20

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England had to wait a few days before their king finally started to get a grip on things again. Clearly still half-trapped in the days of his elopement, Lloyd had been so dreamy and out of sorts that the others began to think his old spirit was coming back. But finally, after thinking through everything, he came to the conclusion that if he ever wanted to see Ariana again, he had to complete his mission. His mind had returned. The Baddie inside of him had started scheming. It was go time.

England was now gathered in the corner of the hallway, their heads close together as they talked amongst themselves.

"So, we're a go for tonight, right?" Lloyd hissed quietly.

Kai dipped his head. "Tonight's the night," he affirmed.

Lloyd smirked. "Good. Just remember your positions."

"You know they're all expecting us, right?" Jay mumbled, looking at the ground.

Lloyd shook his head, chuckling. "Not anymore, they're not. Me—yes, they're expecting that. But not you two." He put a hand on each of their shoulders. "Jay, you know you made Nya think twice about you after your tumble down the staircase."

Jay half-smiled, a distant look appearing in his eyes. "I... I guess..." he murmured, seeming distracted.

Kai turned his head as he heard footsteps and he spotted Zane down the hall. The red ninja smirked. "And I'm already working on my own trickery," he sniggered. Then, louder, he called, "Zane!"

The white ninja paused and turned toward them, relaxing when he saw Kai, but tensing again after seeing Lloyd behind him. With a swift last glance at the green ninja, Kai headed down the hall over to Zane. The two shared a quiet word before disappearing around the corner.

Lloyd straightened up, satisfied with his allies.


The feeble voice caught Lloyd and Jay's attention and they whipped around to see Cole standing a ways behind them, eyes round with shock. The black ninja clapped his hand over his mouth as if he hadn't realized he had said his thoughts out loud and, without another thought, he turned tail and fled down the hall.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Lloyd took a step to follow the black ninja but Jay stopped him. "Don't worry," he said. "I'll handle him."

Lloyd blinked as the blue ninja raced after Cole and caught up to him before the black ninja had gotten very far. Shrugging to himself, Lloyd turned his gaze away as Jay tackled Cole to the ground. As a groan sounded from their direction, the green ninja drew out his sword and ran his hand down the blade, trying to imagine what the battle would be like that night. He was ready to steal that sword if it took all his strength—he had waited too long.

A quiet cry broke his thoughts. A grunt followed it, then another groan. Then another.

Lloyd winced and turned his head farther away, wondering what Jay was doing to the black ninja. I would've backed down by now, he thought. He was surprised as he felt himself begin to panic. He'll kill him!

Cole groaned again.

Lloyd shook his head, finding he couldn't bear the agonizing sounds any longer. His eyes flying open again, he whirled around to find Cole cowering on the floor below Jay, who was raising his nunchucks for another blow. Blood was streaming down the black ninja's face and Lloyd couldn't resist a gasp as Jay struck his weapon against Cole's shoulder, which resulted in another cry and the black ninja crumpled to the ground. Lloyd's breath quickened, horror shooting through him. That's it, he thought. As much as he wanted Cole to suffer, he knew he didn't want him dead.

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now