Chapter 5

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As soon as the storm passed, Nya had rushed to the others and told them the news. "We have to find Cole and see if he's okay," she said.

Jay nodded as Zane came up beside him. "Zane and I will go," he told her.

"Hey, what about me?" Kai questioned as he appeared out of the shadows.

Nya flashed him a look. "You want to look for Cole?" she muttered.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I?" he spat back, although Nya knew he was only saying that. He doesn't mean it, she thought, looking away. He just wants to look good in front of the others.

Jay seemed to agree with Nya. "Thanks for the offer," he scowled, "but I think we can handle this one without you."

Kai gritted his teeth, hurt flashing briefly in his eyes.

Jay turned away from the red ninja. "When we find Cole, we'd like him to be alive," he growled. "And stay alive, thank you."

Kai's eyes widened and his mouth dried for words.

"Come on, Zane." Jay flicked his head toward the door and began walking across the room. Zane seemed a bit uneasy as he glanced from Kai to Jay before hurrying after the blue ninja.

Nya watched as Kai's blazing gaze fell on her and she felt her insides jolt. "Wait!" she called to the other two ninja. "I-I want to come, too."

Jay stole a quick glare at Kai before turning back to Nya. "Then let's go," he replied stiffly.

Not daring to look at her brother, Nya followed Zane and Jay out of the room. Kai's gaze stayed hard and his muscles stayed stiff as he watched them go. Then they were gone, and he let out a sigh. Eyes on the floor, he shuffled out of the room and down the hall, the opposite way the others left. His chest felt heavy and his shoulders sagged. He was losing his friends—and what could he do about it? They didn't believe him no matter how many times he tried to explain himself. I can't believe it, he thought. I make one mistake and now everyone hates me. Then there's Lloyd, who slipped up more times than I can count, and they still love him?

Frustration boiled inside of him. And now they think I'd kill Cole? What is wrong with them? But he couldn't get the image of his frightened sister from his head. The fear in her eyes as he glanced at her, as if he were some predator and she was his prey. He shut his eyes tight, feeling his heart break. How could she be so afraid of me? he wondered. Doesn't she know I love her?

Kai came to his bedroom door and stopped beside it. Did he want to look for Cole? He didn't know. Of course, he still loved his brother, but maybe he would be better off with him gone. After all, he didn't try to stop Lloyd from killing him. Didn't that mean Cole wanted him dead?

But then he remembered what Nya had said to him. Lloyd must've held him against his will. Kai snorted. Then why would Lloyd tell him in the first place? Kai blinked, suddenly confused. Why would Lloyd tell him in the first place?

Just then, footsteps sounded from down the hall. Kai turned his head, then immediately snapped his head back as he realized it was Garmadon. The sensei stopped and Kai felt his gaze boring into him.

"Why are you even still here?" Garmadon growled.

Kai kept his gaze on the wall, straightening up. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "Don't I have a right to live in my own home?" he snapped back.

Garmadon's hard expression didn't waver. "You should've been the one stuck in that snowstorm," he snarled. "Not Cole. He didn't deserve it."

Kai forced himself not to tremble, still keeping his gaze on the door. "You don't know anything about who deserves what," he spat, keeping his voice level. "And I don't care what you say. I know who's right in this situation, and you'll see. You'll see when Lloyd breaks your heart again, when he takes the elemental sword and runs away again, you'll see. You'll see who you should really be angry with." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Think what you want now, but when the Overlord has all four elemental weapons and Ninjago is in peril, remember what I said."

Without waiting for a reply, the red ninja swung open his door and pounded inside, slamming it behind him. He drew up against the wall, listening for the receding sound of footsteps. Then they were gone, and he knew Garmadon had left.

Kai began to tremble, eyes swelling with tears. Hurt washed over him as he recalled the sensei's words. He choked back a sob, heart aching. Garmadon's words had been like a blow to his chest, but he couldn't let the sensei know that. Closing his eyes, Kai slid down to the floor, lowering his head. How could he do this to me? he thought. How could he be so mean to me? I thought he loved me. I thought he cared about me. Kai couldn't hold back a tear from falling down his cheek. I thought I was a son to him. He sniffled, trying his best not to break down. But he doesn't even want me. He wants me dead.

Kai wiped tears from his eyes, chest still heavy with hurt. That's it now, he thought miserably. I'm all alone. No one cares anymore. I have absolutely no one. No friends and no family. He wrapped his arms around his knees, another tear rolling down his face. I'm all alone.

* * *

That night, Raymond stepped into his cave and glanced around. Setting down his satchel, he walked farther inside and found Cole lying near the fire. The black ninja was sound asleep, comforted by the warm flames. Warmth filled Raymond at the sight of the boy and he drew the blanket over Cole's shoulders; the black ninja seemed to relax more at the gesture.

Raymond looked over him. He could tell how weak and helpless Cole was. He could practically see the black ninja's bones poking out of his skin on his frail frame. Poor kid, he thought, drawing his hand softly down the scar on Cole's neck. I don't know where he came from, but he shouldn't go back. Any more of the way he was treated could kill him.

Raymond wanted to know more about Cole's story, but he knew better than to ask him. It was clear Cole was traumatized. Earlier, it seemed like he had been in some sort of deep shock, and that wasn't something that would go away overnight. Raymond felt sympathy for the boy. All he needs is some kindness.

He had failed the girl, but he was determined not to fail Cole.

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Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now