Chapter 17

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Over the next few days, the monastery had become somewhat muted without Lloyd. It was as if the ninja were used to whatever drama the green ninja caused, and now, everything just seemed to stand still. The snow outside was still settling, so they guessed it would still be a while before Lloyd could make his way home.

Now, it wasn't exactly peaceful. Although the green ninja wasn't there presently, the problems and tensions he had caused were. Kai and Jay separated themselves from the others as if out of distrust or just plain unease. The two of them often seemed lost, as if not knowing what to do anymore without Lloyd there to tell them.

Garmadon stayed distant, too, as he was too busy worrying about Lloyd; both if his son would ever make it home and what would happen when his son did make it home. Every now and then he would try and make an effort to bond with Kai again, but it was clear the red ninja had had enough of him.

With Lloyd out of the way, Nya had thought Cole would have time to recover. The black ninja was making an attempt, but both of them had been shocked when Jay had stepped in to take Lloyd's place. Clearly still furious with Cole, the blue ninja had terrified the black ninja just as Lloyd had, and Cole's recovery once again started to backtrack. With Lloyd, Kai, and now Jay, Nya began to wonder if Cole would ever find his strength and courage again.

The black ninja was now out in the courtyard, desperately trying to regain his strength with training. He wearily prodded at the pole with sticks, chest heaving from exhaustion. He had been out there a while, and his short amount of energy was beginning to run out.

Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of footsteps. Breathing shakily, he turned his head toward the monastery porch and immediately dread rushed through him. There was Jay and Kai, making their way over to the other side of the courtyard. Cole snapped his gaze away and turned back to his own training, hoping the two wouldn't notice him.

But as the minutes dragged on, he could feel eyes on his back, and he knew they had spotted him.

Trying not to tremble as the footsteps came closer, Cole kept his gaze on the training pole as Jay walked up beside him.

"Hey," the blue ninja began. "What are you doing out here?"

It was a simple question. So simple it sent fear down Cole's spine. "Tr... Training," he made out, voice shaking.

Jay crossed his arms. "Hm, well. Me and Kai were actually planning on doing some of that and this yard isn't big enough for the three of us."

Cole's heart began to pound. "A-actually, I-I think if we spread out—"

"Beat it, nimrod!" Jay interrupted, eyes blazing.

Cole flinched, breath quickening in fear. His gaze traveled across the courtyard to where Kai was waiting expectantly for Jay's return and he knew the red ninja would be no help. He would never be any help again. Cole had already accepted that. He should've listened to Nya when she told him not to trust the red ninja, then he could've been spared the hurt he was feeling. Kai said he would look after him... but now the red ninja was just another danger, watching, waiting to strike him just as Lloyd did. And Cole couldn't be more terrified.

The black ninja broke from his thoughts as Jay pushed at his chest, sending him staggering backward. "Did you hear what I said?" the blue ninja hissed.

Trembling, Cole stared up at Jay's blazing gaze and took a shaky step back. Not knowing what else to do, the black ninja turned and scurried toward the monastery. As he passed Jay, the blue ninja gave him a hard shove at his back and he stumbled on his feet, gasping. He shakily steadied himself again before he could hit the ground and rushed onto the porch with all his speed, hearing Jay laughing after him.

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now