Chapter 10

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Finally, Garmadon thought as he watched Lloyd, Kai, and Jay disperse from each other. I thought they'd never stop talking.

His gaze followed Kai as the red ninja headed down the hall and he thought about what his brother had said to him. Even if I'm still angry with him, I don't want to lose him, he thought. He remembered how he felt the first time Lloyd had betrayed them. He wouldn't be able to bear seeing Kai do the same.

Taking a deep breath, Garmadon hurried down the hall after the red ninja. "Kai!" he called.

Kai's pace only quickened.

Frowning, Garmadon rushed forward and caught up with the red ninja. He opened his mouth, but Kai interrupted him.

"I don't want to hear it," he snapped, avoiding the sensei's gaze. "I don't want to hear another one of your stupid accusations, so just get away from me."

Garmadon halted for a minute, drawing in a shaky breath. Then, furrowing his eyebrows, he started forward again and stood in front of Kai, blocking his path. "Listen to me, Kai," he told him desperately.

"No, you listen!" Kai snarled, eyes blazing with fury. "Do you think this is some kind of game? Do you think that you can just pierce my heart and then act like we're best friends again?"

Garmadon's eyes widened. "Pierce your heart? Kai, I didn't—"

"Oh, save it!" Kai shot back. "Just when I thought there was someone out there to take care of me, and—and love me no matter what I did. Just when I thought you were that person." He furrowed his eyebrows and took a step back. "But it was all a lie."

"Maybe I jumped to conclusions too fast," Garmadon stated. "But, Kai, you know I still love you."

Kai shook his head, gaze still hardened. "You think that after the way you've been treating me, I would still think you love me?" he challenged.

Garmadon stared at the ninja desperately. "I-I didn't mean to, Kai," he breathed.

Kai's eyes glittered with emotion and his voice trembled as he went on. "After everything that I've been through," he murmured. "My childhood. My past. You think I open up like that to just anyone?" He drew in a shaky breath. "You were the only person I allowed myself to feel that way with. I... I allowed myself to be vulnerable with you."

Garmadon gazed at him sympathetically and took a step toward him, trying to lay a hand on his shoulder. But Kai's gaze hardened again and he stepped back. "Oh, no," he growled. "I'm not making the same mistake twice."

"Kai, please—"

"No!" Kai panted angrily as he glared at the sensei. "We are through." Then he whipped around and stalked down the hall.

"Kai, wait!" Garmadon called to him, but the red ninja didn't stop. The sensei heaved a sigh, knowing it was pointless to chase after Kai. He would only make things worse.

Just then, Nya came down the hall. She halted for a minute before her gaze drifted to where Kai had run off to and she hurried after him.

Garmadon tensed. "Nya, don't!" he told her.

But if Nya heard, she ignored him.

Garmadon bit his lip, knowing how angry Kai was right now. I hope he doesn't say something to Nya, he thought.

"Well, can we all just give a big round of applause?"

Garmadon jerked in alarm and turned around to find Lloyd behind him. The green ninja was clapping his hands together sarcastically as he walked over to his father, eyebrows furrowed. "Man breaks boy's heart," he hissed. "What a headline that could be."

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now