Chapter 18

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"Jay!" Kai hissed at the blue ninja. "Look over here!"

Jay halted and turned back around, going over to meet the red ninja. "What?"

Slowly, Kai craned his head around the doorframe until he got a clear view of the dining room. Jay popped his head out above him and saw Wu, Garmadon, Cole, Nya, and Zane inside, discussing something. "What do you think they're doing?" Jay whispered.

"I don't know," Kai replied quietly. "But my best guess is that they're planning something. Something against us."

The two drew away from the wall before they could be spotted. Jay's eyes were blazing. "Oh, we know this is an unfair fight," he scowled. "We're outnumbered!"

Kai rubbed his chin. "Let's see, when Lloyd comes back, we'll be three to five. If Pixal returns before that, it's three to six. Eh, not that bad."

"Not that bad?" Jay exclaimed. "They've got two senseis on their side and what do we have?"

"We have Lloyd," Kai stated with a smirk. "Lloyd's more powerful than all of us. And it's not like Sensei G.'s gonna be a problem. He won't hurt Lloyd, and he..." He gritted his teeth and turned his gaze away from Jay. "And he won't hurt me."

"Oh, great, so he's coming after me?" Jay puffed.

Kai gave himself a shake to clear his thoughts before gazing at Jay again. "Yeah, probably," he sniggered.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Oh, whatever," he muttered. "So, we got one down, and I think with a few more pushes we can get Cole out of the way."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by 'pushes'?" he inquired.

Jay shrugged. "Mess with him some more," he said. "Like how Lloyd does. And since Nya and him are so close, if we make it bad enough, we should be able to get her out of the picture, too."

"Nya?" Kai echoed, eyes twinkling with amusement. "But I thought she was your 'one and only, oh-so-special, true love'?"

"Not anymore," Jay scowled. "Neither she nor Cole is getting my hints, so I think it's time I make them both feel how I feel."

Kai chuckled. "Okay, Mr. Bad Guy," he snickered. "If that's what you want."

Jay flashed him a look. "Well, what about you, huh?" he pressed. "Who do you want to hurt?"

Blinking in surprise, Kai went silent for a minute. He turned his head away. "Someone," he mumbled.

"Who?" Jay demanded.

"That's none of your business," Kai snapped, his blazing gaze turning back to the blue ninja.

Jay crossed his arms. "If you don't know what you're doing, why are you even following Lloyd?" he challenged.

Kai hesitated. Why was he following Lloyd? To get revenge? But to get revenge on who? he wondered.

Just then, the sound of retreating footsteps radiated from the dining room. Jay and Kai snapped to immediate attention as the people inside the room began to disperse.

Kai whipped around and gave Jay a shove. "Go!" he shouted. "Before they see us!"

Jay hurried over to the staircase and disappeared up the steps. Kai quickly followed him, but only a moment too late.


Kai halted, tensing. Dang it, he thought with a wince. Slowly, he turned around again to find Garmadon at the bottom of the staircase. Immediately, anger flushed his face, and the sensei must've noticed it, because he added, "Please, don't run away."

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now