Chapter 14

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Everything was a blur to Cole as he lay on the ground, stunned. His vision was foggy, his ears clogged. Every now and then he would pick up a few voices.

"Time to... carry out... plan..." He knew that was Lloyd's voice, and it terrified him. Time for what? he wondered anxiously. What plan?

After a while, he picked up another sound.

"I'm with you."

Was that Kai? Cole's breath quickened and his fear rose. Is Kai talking to Lloyd? Why would he be doing that?

The fog before his eyes deepened and he drew in a shaky breath. Almost immediately, he coughed it out again, although he barely heard himself.

Then he thought he saw a shadow cover over him. He tried to move but he couldn't, not even his eyes. It was then he thought he felt something on his shoulder.

"Cole..." He heard.

More muffled sounds hit his ears, but he couldn't understand them. He began to tremble more violently, wondering who it was beside him when the voice came again.

"Cole... okay..."

Cole's breath caught in his throat as he felt hands wrap around him. Again, he wanted to move, but he couldn't find the strength. He lay there limply as the floor suddenly disappeared from underneath him. Confusion sizzled inside of him and his gaze rolled around, although he could see nothing but a blur. Where am I? he wondered. Did I fall asleep?

Then he felt something soft against his head, then the rest of his body. He sank down onto it, feeling something else cover over him. My bed? he guessed.

He blinked lazily and his head plopped sideways, where he could just make out the outline of someone sitting beside him. He squinted to try to get a better look, then plopped his head back with a soft groan. He let out another cough, this time hearing it a bit better.

As he lay there, he suddenly felt a warm touch to his chin. "Tea..." the voice came again. "...good for you..."

Then he felt something colder against his lips, then a trickle of warmth go down his throat. Using all his strength, he managed to swallow, gratefully taking in the liquid's comfort. After a while his head, which he didn't even realize had been lifted until now, fell back onto the pillow with an exhausted breath.

He closed his eyes and lay still, waiting for the warmth to spread through him. Gradually, he felt his ears start to unclog and his feeling begin to come back.

"Cole?" He made out the voice more steadily now.

Flittering open his eyes, Cole peered upward and finally made out who it was that was helping him. "N... N-Nya," he croaked.

Nya laid a hand on him as he tried to move. "Shh... it's okay," she soothed. "Don't get up. You have to rest."

Cole's head throbbed as he gazed around, his vision at last clearing. Then he looked down at himself and suddenly remembered the cold hands that had gripped his throat. "J... Jay," he rasped. "I-I d-don't understand."

Nya's gaze darkened and she looked away. "Jay really did do this to you, didn't he?" she whispered.

"B-b-but why?" Cole whimpered.

Nya took a deep breath and gazed at Cole again. "Cole, a lot of things have changed since you left," she murmured. "Jay is... Well, Jay... Jay's changed."

Cole's heart started to pound. "Wh-what are you t-talking about?"

"Jay's been talking to Lloyd a lot more often and I think he... he..." Nya paused to take a breath. "I think Lloyd's done something to him. Something that made him join forces with... with Lloyd."

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now