Chapter 11

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Kai drew to a halt beside a tree, panting. He glanced around, peering through the snow-covered trees. He had already searched nearly the whole forest, and now he was nearing the mountains. Oh, where could he be?

With a grunt, he pushed himself forward again, trudging his feet through the snow. "Cole!" he called, eyes scanning everything he passed. "Cole!"

"Oh, come on," he muttered to himself. "He had to wander this far?"

When he looked up again, Kai realized he had reached the edge of the forest and was entering the plains below the mountains. "Okay, Cole," he whispered. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

As he made his way toward the cliffs, he glanced around suspiciously at every rock and brush, knowing anything could be hiding in their shadows. The eerie silence held out longer, and Kai eventually found himself drawing out his sword. A chill swept down his spine as he slunk forward, scanning his surroundings warily. I have this funny feeling... he thought. That I'm being watched.

Just then, he heard the crunch of snow behind him. He froze, tensing, ears alert for another sound of movement. "Who's there?" he hissed.

For a while everything was still. Kai raised an eyebrow, beginning to doubt himself.

Suddenly, a weight barreled into him, forcing him to the ground. Kai let out a gasp of surprise, feeling his face smother into the snow. Grunting, he flipped around, knocking his attacker off of him. He hurriedly jumped to his feet and stood to face the man who had attacked him. The man's eyes glittered with hostility and he lunged for the ninja again, spear in hand. Kai's eyes rounded and he brought his sword up, blocking the blow. He spun out of the way as his attacker made another swipe before swinging his sword at him. The man jumped to the side and shot his weapon at Kai's feet, tripping him. Kai rolled around, holding his sword up to defend himself as the man brought his spear down. Sweat dripping down his face, Kai pushed against his attacker and stumbled to his feet.

He skittered backward as he desperately struggled to defend himself, only now realizing how strong his opponent was. Through the flurry of hands and blades, Kai gasped as he found himself pinned to the ground. He struggled under his attacker's grasp, breath quickening as he saw the man raising his spear for a finishing blow. So this is how it ends? Kai thought, heart pounding. Killed by some stranger from the mountains?

"Stop!" a shrill voice suddenly rang out.

The man's gaze snapped upward and he stumbled off Kai as another person came racing over to them. Panting, Kai looked up and jerked in alarm as he recognized him. "Cole!" he exclaimed, leaping to his feet. He let out a breath of relief. "I found you!"

But he was shocked to see Cole's gaze glittering with hostility. He stared at the red ninja, standing up beside Raymond and puffing out his chest.

Kai gazed at him desperately. "Cole," he murmured, "d-don't you remember me?"

Raymond glared at Kai with the same hostility. "Do you know this strange boy?" he murmured to Cole.

Cole furrowed his eyebrows, his expression hardening. "I thought I did," he muttered.

Kai's eyes widened as Cole spun around and began heading back up the mountain. "Cole—wait!" he called, beginning to chase after him. Then he skidded to a halt as Raymond blocked his path.

"Sorry," the man grunted. "But it doesn't look like you're very welcome here."

"Please, I need to talk to him!" Kai pleaded, glancing desperately over Raymond's shoulder to watch Cole disappear beneath the rocks and snow. "He's my friend!"

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now