Chapter 6

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Jay, Zane, and Nya came back into the monastery, heads drooping in defeat.

"Any sign of him?" Wu asked.

Zane shook his head. "We followed his trail the best we could," he explained. "But the snow covered his tracks."

"We searched for a long time, but there was no sign of him," Jay added.

Wu rubbed his beard. "I just wonder why he left," he murmured.

Zane gave a helpless sigh. "We all know something's been bothering him," he suggested. "Maybe he finally couldn't handle it anymore, whatever it was."

Wu looked up again. "Well, in any event, it's getting late," he said. "We'll have to keep looking tomorrow."

"Let's just hope he comes back before that," Jay muttered as he followed Zane up the stairs.

Nya slowly shuffled after them. She had stayed silent the whole way back, trapped in her thoughts. Cole was alive—she knew he was, he just didn't want to come home. And why would he? she thought. After everything that's happening to him here? But she also knew he couldn't stay alive much longer out there on his own, and she had to find him. She figured that she, Jay, and Zane had been looking in the wrong places. After all, Cole had been terribly frightened, not to mention self-conscious before he left. So he must be hiding somewhere away from anyone who could see him or hurt him. Somewhere like the mountains...

Nya sighed. Even if she did find Cole, how could she convince him to come back? Or even—should she convince him to come back? What if he was safer up there in the mountains, and bringing him home would only put him in greater danger? No, she thought, pushing the thought away. This is Cole's home as much as it is ours. He shouldn't be forced out just because of some bully. But she knew Cole wouldn't listen to her.

Fear rose inside of her, but she tried her best to push it down. It's for Cole's sake, she told herself.

There was only one person who Cole would listen to—the one person he's looked up to; the one person he's respected and trusted more than anyone. The one person who put Cole in this whole situation to begin with.

Taking a deep breath, Nya headed down the hall to talk to her brother.

* * *

Cole—gone? Lloyd raised an eyebrow. That can't be good. He didn't like the black ninja where he couldn't keep an eye on him. What if he tries something? he thought. What if he finds people who believe him and come after me? Now, Lloyd wasn't afraid. No, fear was the last thing he was feeling. What could Cole do to him? But, he was suspicious about what Cole might do. He couldn't have the black ninja spoiling his plans—no, he couldn't have that.

Lloyd broke from his thoughts as he felt his throat suddenly tighten. He coughed to clear his lungs before shakily getting to his feet. Whatever the case, I have somewhere to be. Stifling a wheeze, the green ninja crept across the room toward the window, keeping his eye on the night sky.

Then light suddenly flashed into the dark room and he froze.

"Lloyd?" came Jay's voice.

Lloyd relaxed, a small smirk appearing on his face. He turned around as the blue ninja came over to him.

"Where are you going?"

Lloyd flicked his head toward the window. "Out," he simply stated. He spun around again and pushed open the window. "Cover for me, won't you?"

Unease flashed in Jay's eyes. "Er... Are you sure you're up for it?" he questioned.

Lloyd gave a huff of frustration. "I can handle myself, thank you," he snapped back. "Just don't let the others know I'm gone."

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now