Chapter 12

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Was pressing on as a ninja worth it now that their team was broken apart? The question rang in Cole's head again as he sped up the mountain.

Yes! he thought. It is worth it! No matter how divided my friends get, our mission together as ninja is still the most important part of our role; we're the protectors of Ninjago!

Cole burst into the cave, glancing around until he spotted Raymond at the back of the cave. "Raymond!" he called, racing over to him.

Raymond turned around, eyes flashing with alarm. "What happened?" he questioned, looking Cole over.

"Nothing," Cole panted. He drew in a deep breath and gazed up at the man he had called his friend. "I... I'm gonna go back to my home," he told him straight-out.

Raymond's eyes widened. "You... You are?" His gaze darkened with disappointment.

Cole nodded. "I don't want to leave you," he admitted. "You've been so good to me, and—and you've taken care of me and I can't thank you enough." He smiled. "You don't know how much I appreciate that. But I miss my family. And it's been so long and I—" He broke himself off. "Oh, you understand, don't you?"

Raymond gazed down at him and a small smile appeared on his own face. "I understand," he murmured.

Warmth spread inside of Cole and he suddenly threw his arms around Raymond, hugging him as tight as his body let him. Raymond blinked in surprise. Then, with a soft chuckle, returned the hug.

"I'm gonna miss you," Cole breathed in his ear.

"I'm gonna miss you, too." Raymond clutched his shoulders as they drew apart again. "Now, you visit here whenever you want," he told him. He ruffled the ninja's hair. "Bring your friends along, too. I want to meet them sometime."

Cole laughed. "I will!" Then he turned to look out the cave mouth. "And you can visit the monastery! Sensei will let you in!" He pointed into the distance. "It's over that way."

Raymond nodded. "You sure you want to leave?" he asked. "I don't want you getting hurt again."

Cole turned back to him, eyes glittering with intensity. "Yes," he stated. "Because if there's one thing my sensei taught me, it's that a ninja never quits. So I can't stay here and hide from my fear." He took a deep breath. "I-I gotta face it."

Raymond gave a soft chuckle, touching his hand to the black ninja's chin. "You've really grown," he murmured.

Cole smiled, eyes shining.

"Knock, knock!" Kai's voice came from the entrance. "You done in there?"

Cole turned his head as the red ninja walked over to them. Raymond turned toward him. "You take care of him now, you hear?"

Kai gave Cole a nudge. "I won't let him out of my sight," he chuckled.

Cole laughed as Kai began to head back to the entrance. "Come on," he called back. "The daylight won't last forever!"

Cole took a few steps after the red ninja before halting. He turned around again and rushed back over to Raymond, giving him one last hug. "Goodbye," he whispered.

"Take care of yourself," Raymond murmured. They drew apart again and gazed at each other for a moment before Cole spun around and sped after Kai. Raymond walked over to the cave mouth, watching the two ninja until they were nothing but specks in the distance. Cole had gone, but this time, Raymond knew he hadn't failed him. And that was enough.

* * *

Lloyd was in his bedroom, pacing the floor aggressively. His plan was crumbling apart. First Kai, then Jay. Jay's right, he thought with frustration. I am losing my touch.

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now