Chapter 4

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Nya sighed in content as she stepped into the monastery. She felt better after talking with Ronin, although her insides twisted when she thought about what he had said. Don't trust anyone, she remembered. Is that even possible?

But now after what happened recently, she was starting to believe that it was possible.

With a shake of her head, she headed up the stairs. When she reached the top, a rush of dread shot through her as the first person she saw was Kai.

The red ninja was up against the wall, panting, and his eyes were wide with anxiety. Nya furrowed her eyebrows, pushing away the concern she had for her brother. Why should I feel concerned about him after what he's done to me?

Kai turned his head and gasped when he spotted her. "Nya!"

Nya looked away and started down the hall away from him. When she heard footsteps pounding after her, she quickened her pace, heart beginning to pound.

"Nya, wait!" Kai called. "Please!"

"Get away from me," Nya choked out, her fear getting the best of her.

Kai's pace slowed, not believing what he was hearing. Just then, Jay walked out of his room, which happened to be in between the siblings. His eyebrows furrowed as his gaze shifted from Nya to Kai. "What's going on?"

Nya halted behind Jay, slowly inching closer to him for protection. The blue ninja glanced sideways at her and his eyes flashed. He looked back at Kai, suddenly realizing what was happening. "What are you doing to her?" he demanded.

Kai's eyes widened. "I'm not doing anything!" he protested. "I just want to talk."

Jay's eyes blazed. "Planning on murdering her, too?" he hissed.

Kai gasped, taking a step backward. "Jay, how could you say that?" he whispered. "She's my sister."

Jay clearly didn't believe him. "And Lloyd's your brother," he retorted.

Kai's breath quickened. "B-but I didn't... I didn't..." He looked over Jay's shoulder at Nya desperately, but she only looked away. She didn't even try to defend him. Kai felt his heart break. "Nya..." he breathed.

Jay snorted and spun around. "Come on, Nya," he huffed. "Let's leave this guy alone." He put his arm around her, and, eyes swelling with tears, Nya inched closer to him and the two headed down the hall together.

For a moment, Kai just stood in shock. No... It can't be, he thought. Nya turned her back on me, and now Jay did, too. He drew in a shaky breath. Is all my family against me?

Anger suddenly boiled inside of him. How could he accuse me like that? he thought with frustration. I'd never kill anyone—especially my sister!

He clenched his fists, beginning to follow the blue ninja. He needs to be taught a lesson!

Then he stopped himself. Panting, he gritted his teeth. Snap out of it, Kai! he told himself. You'll only make things worse!

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control his temper. I have to control myself, he mused. Or I'll end up no better than Lloyd.

He can't turn me, he thought. He won't turn me. A feeling shot through him—a feeling he expected to be determination, but instead, it identified to be anger. If he thinks I'd turn against my family, he's wrong. He's the one who betrayed us, and he's the only one who'll betray us! Kai's eyes blazed with fury. He thinks I'm evil? He thinks I'm bad? Well, then, maybe it's time to show him just how bad I can really be!

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now