Chapter 2

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Wu took a deep breath before opening Lloyd's bedroom door. "Lloyd?" he called stiffly.

When there was no reply, the sensei stepped into the room and went over to Lloyd's bed, where the green ninja was lying. He frowned as he noticed the green ninja's unsteady breathing and gently shook him. "Lloyd," he murmured. "Wake up."

Lloyd didn't move.

Wu walked around the bed until he could see Lloyd's face. "Lloyd?" he repeated.

The green ninja didn't open his eyes.

Raising an eyebrow, Wu grabbed Lloyd's blanket and began drawing it away from the ninja, and it was only then he spotted the deep gash in Lloyd's side. The untreated wound had dried blood encrusted around it, as well as turning the blankets surrounding it red. Wu's eyes widened in alarm and he snapped his gaze back to Lloyd's face. The green ninja wasn't at all sleeping.

He was unconscious.

Wu gently rolled Lloyd onto his back until he got a clear view of his wound. He drew in a sharp hiss. It's bad, he thought. He rubbed his beard. Kai really gave this to him?

Sorrow flooded over Wu as he gazed down at the green ninja. He looked so limp and helpless, and the sensei couldn't bear the sight. Good or bad, he's still my nephew, he thought. And he needs help.

Just then, Garmadon walked into the room. His eyes flashed suspiciously as he spotted his brother, but Wu spoke first.

"We have to get Lloyd to the hospital room," he told him.

Garmadon was immediately at his son's side. He stared down at the ninja, worry raining down on him as his gaze fell on Lloyd's injury. He nodded. "We do."

The brothers each took one of Lloyd's arms, heaving him off the bed. Then Lloyd began to stir. His eyes slightly blinked open and he let out a soft groan. "D-Dad?" he rasped.

"It's okay, Lloyd," Garmadon soothed. "We're going to help you."

Lloyd's eyes rolled around and his head fell back limply on Wu's shoulder. He drew in a sharp breath as his eyes closed again, falling unconscious once more.

Carrying Lloyd in between them, the senseis headed out of the room and down the hall toward the hospital room.

* * *

"Brother, you have to understand," Wu said desperately.

"I know what I saw!" Garmadon growled, pacing the floor angrily. "My son, helplessly being strangled by that... that ungrateful, little—"

"We both know Kai wouldn't hurt anyone in cold blood," Wu interrupted.

Garmadon's eyes blazed. "Oh, but Lloyd would?"

Wu stared at him seriously. "Lloyd is after the elemental weapons," he stated. "You know that."

"How can you say that?" Garmadon exclaimed in outrage. "Lloyd wants to be one of us again! He's really trying, but people like Kai can't see that!" He turned around. "All they see when they look at him is a traitor, and that's not fair. Lloyd shouldn't be judged by his past." He furrowed his eyebrows. "And neither should Kai."

Wu spotted a deep pain in his brother's eyes. Frowning, he walked over to his brother and laid a hand on his shoulder. "You love him, Brother," he murmured. "That's why you're so upset."

Garmadon gave a frustrated hiss, clearly trying to hide his feelings. "How can I, when he tortures my son like that?" he retorted.

"But he's another son to you, and you're a father to him," Wu went on. "He'd never do anything to hurt you on purpose."

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now