Chapter 21

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Darkness fell over the forest. The monastery was so silent you could hear a pin drop—out of either tension, suspense, or anticipation. No one was in sight, except for the guard of the sword that night.

It was Zane's turn. Kai's elemental sword was firmly latched onto his back as he paced the hallway back and forth, senses alert for anything. He knew just as well as the others that Lloyd was planning to strike that night, and the others had taken to their stations, ready to defend the sword against the green ninja. Blood was sure to fly that night, but, even so, Zane felt sure of victory. It's Lloyd against the whole rest of us, he thought. How could he possibly win? He already failed twice.

But Zane knew how stubborn Lloyd was. He won't give up easily, he mused. And he's definitely not going down without a fight. The thought of a battle made Zane tense. And if it's a fight he wants, then a fight is what we'll give.

Suddenly, Zane realized it wasn't only his thoughts that had made him on edge. He halted, gaze sweeping his surroundings. There was someone around. He could sense it.

"Zane!" a quiet voice hissed.

His hands clutching his shurikens, Zane spun around to see Kai slipping out of the shadows and over to him. Zane relaxed slightly, his hands moving off his weapons again. "What is it?"

Kai's eyes were wild with panic. "Lloyd's coming!" he exclaimed. "He'll be here any second!" His gaze fell on the elemental sword on the white ninja's back and he held out his hand expectantly.

Zane hesitated, glancing around. "Are you sure?"

"Hurry, or our plan will blow!" Kai demanded too angrily.

Zane's eyes widened and his heart started to pound. Reaching over, he tugged the sword off his back and held it out, but he didn't give it to the red ninja as he hesitated again. Unease crept down his spine as he stared at Kai's intense gaze and, for a moment, he wondered if the red ninja was truly on their side.

Before the white ninja could stop him, Kai snatched the sword from his hands and gripped it tightly, taking a step back. A look of satisfaction crossed his face as he gazed down at the weapon. "Good to see you again, old friend," he whispered to it.

Clunk. Clunk. Clunk.

Zane's head shot toward the sound in alarm. He had recognized those footsteps immediately. "Kai!" he gasped. "Behind you!"

Furrowing his eyebrows, Kai whipped around just as Lloyd appeared out of the shadows of the hallway, grinning menacingly.

Zane ripped his shurikens from their pouch and readied himself to fight, expecting Kai to do the same. But as Lloyd halted in front of Kai, the red ninja only turned back around to face Zane, gaze hardened.

Zane locked gazes with him. "Kai?"

Answering with silence, Kai lifted the elemental sword and placed it over his shoulder, willingly offering it to Lloyd. With a chuckle, the green ninja took the sword from his hands and Kai released his grip without a thought.

Zane's eyes widened. "No," he breathed.

Lloyd looked down at the weapon in his hands and ran his fingers along the blade. "Kai, why don't you show Zane whose side you're really on?" he snickered.

Eyes blazing, Kai drew out his backup sword and tensed his muscles. Gasping, Zane took a step backward, unable to shift his shocked gaze from the red ninja. Then, in a flash, Kai barreled into him and tackled the white ninja to the ground. Zane grunted as he skirmished with him, gasping as the red ninja ripped his wires open.

Darkness from Within #6: A Team Divided (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now