A New Friend - Part 4

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A/N: small argument incoming!

"Y/N? Where did you get off to?"
I heard my Tío say. I started towards his voice before saying,

"I'm right here, Tío!"

His footsteps moved closer before he stomped to let me know he was in front of me. Then he placed his hands on my shoulders before pulling me into a hug.

"You went much further than I expected, did you find a good spot for the sunset?"

"Yes! I did! It was perfect and I even made a friend, I think?"

"Way to go, mi hijo! I knew you would, after all you're such a special boy. There's no way anyone wouldn't want to be your friend and here you are on your first day out in months and already made a friend-" I interrupted him.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, you can stop now. Let's get home."

"Awww, all right. Let's get you some dinner before you tell me all about this afternoon, leave out no details. Honestly you could start now."

He's that happy that I made a friend? I guess I've never really been one for making friends but does he just not want me here with him? Me not being in the house does give him a bit of a break. No, no. I know Pa- Tío loves me. I felt the instant warmth of the house as we stepped inside.



"What's on your neck?"

"Nothing should be there, but I was out in the forest so there could be a lot of things."

"No, it's a star?"

A star? Is this some sort of joke?

"Did you draw a star on the back of your neck? Because if so then wow, I've never seen anyone draw such a symmetrical star. Especially on the back of your neck, mi hijo, you're so talented!"

"Tío, I didn't draw anything-" I started thinking, "maybe Camilo or one of the kids did? But I wasn't around the kids enough and I never felt Camilo touch my neck so?"

"Camilo? Is that your friend?"

"Yep! Actually, could you put your finger where the star is?"

After saying that, my Tío immediately placed his hand there. That's where my neck was burning earlier. But why would? That doesn't make any sense?

"Is everything ok?" He said moving his hand back to his side.

"No, my neck was burning in that spot earlier and now you're telling me there's a star there?"

"Did something happen to you to make that happen? Did you take the blindfold off, Y/N?"

"No, but I did get pretty embarrassed. Maybe that's what did it?"

"That could be it, maybe taking off the blindfold for a bit would help you."

What did he say? Is he serious? Never.


"Hijo, maybe just inside for a few hours would do some good and help with the star problem and plus you haven't seen anything in-"

"I SAID NO!" and there goes some tears. A sigh escaped my Tío's lips before he embraced me.

"I understand, mi hijo. But know that you aren't your mistakes. You can take that step and relear-"

"If it involves taking off the blindfold then it's not happening." I said sharply as he let go of me, knocking on the table meaning it was time to eat.

  I sat down at the table, sitting my hands on the side of the table before slowly going inwards to find the silverware. Tìo then sat the food in front of me with an attempt at a cheery let's eat!

Stars Burn - CamiloxM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now